
Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2018 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I really enjoyed working on Search: my team was tackling several interesting problems in NLP. I also really enjoyed getting to meet other interns!

What I wish was different

My specific project involved more interfacing with other teams’ code/existing architecture than getting to design a new solution. In general, you don’t know a lot about your project until just before the internship starts.


Maintaining good communication with your intern manager is really important: their feedback and advice is really valuable!
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Independence, ownership of work, program structure

What I wish was different

Nothing, I loved it!


Be open to learning, ask for help as much as you need in the beginning of the program!
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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Good mentorship

What I wish was different


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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2018 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I loved the environment and the people at Facebook! There was so much opportunity!

What I wish was different

I wish I had learned more about the other parts of Facebook (aside from my own team).


Branch out and learn as much as you can! Interns have so many perks -- take advantage!
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

My team, food, company culture, off-sites!

What I wish was different


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Software Engineer Intern

June - September 2018 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I liked Facebook's engineering culture. They are very strong and have bright minds.

What I wish was different

I wish I chose to work in Facebook's Seattle office, because I did not enjoy the bay area.


Try out different companies of varying sizes.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - July 2018 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Work was very fun. Great campus in Menlo Park and nice experience working in a professional software development environment.

What I wish was different


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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2018 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

This was a really great internship and I learned alot. You get to work on things that are actually shipped to Facebook in your time as an intern which was really cool.

What I wish was different

Make sure to ask how you are doing throughout your internship and don't just wait for the two review periods halfway through and at the end of the summer


There is really time to have fun and get good work done during this internship so make sure to do both and not lean to heavily either way
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May - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great culture, perks are awesome, team is phenomenal, super interesting projects, modern technology stack, excellent cross-team communication

What I wish was different

A lot of proprietary technology


Enjoy it :)
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Production Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I loved the work, the company culture, and the overall intern experience! It was an amazing internship. Could not have asked for a better experience.

What I wish was different


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FBU software engineering intern

June - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Great for software engineering beginners (freshman and sophomores). Amazing location and great employee culture and benefits

What I wish was different


Go in looking to get more out of it than just your engineering project. The point is to gain CS experience while also learning about how the tech industry functions as a whole. Ask questions and meet with people you want to learn more about.
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Software Engineer Intern

June - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

It was a really good learning experience and it allowed me to meet a lot of new people in a low-risk environment. I learned a lot about Android Studio Projects and how to make android apps as well as was able to experience the Facebook community first hand and find friends that I felt comfortable around.

What I wish was different

I wish the project was something a little bit more substantial. Something that we could actually see be put to use instead of something that was just thrown away at the end of the summer.


Talk to full-time employees! So many people are eager to talk to you about their experiences, especially if you're genuinely interested!
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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2017 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Free food, vending machines, housing, buses, bikes, ice cream.

What I wish was different

More people who cared about helping interns.


Know what you want out of the internship when starting. It will decide what to optimize for (return offer, salary, new experience, ML, etc.)
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Work, location, benefits

What I wish was different



I’d recommend working in NYC
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Data Science Intern

June - August 2018 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

The culture

What I wish was different

I wish the internship had been longer.


Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Intern owns an independent project.

What I wish was different

Better team matching.


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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2017 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Great culture, environment and learning opportunities.

What I wish was different

It was hard to know who to ask for help from outside of your team.


Be assertive to ask for help, and meet as many other interns as possible.
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Software Engineer Intern

June - September 2017 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Mentorship, project scope, technical expertise

What I wish was different

Get to know more people


Don't be afraid to ask questions
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Software Developer Intern

May - August 2017 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

The mentorship was great! I learned a lot through my manager who was extremely patient and helped answer any questions I had. It was also cool to get to work closely in a team on a project that had the potential to have real impact at the company.

What I wish was different

I felt like my specific team was a little more insular and I do wish I was able to have more of a say in what my project was. Instead, interns there are more-or-less given a project. While the project is assigned based on a pre-internship survey, it would have been nice to have more autonomy over what I worked on ultimately.


Don't be afraid to ask questions! Whether to your team or your manager! They don't expect you to know everything and it would be way better for getting more progress on your project. Plus, most full-time employees are more than happy to help!
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Facebook University Intern

June - August 2015 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

A good opportunity to learn to develop for android and to work on a project of my own choosing.

What I wish was different


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