
Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I loved how well-trained the managers were - I felt like I had such a great time because the company cared so much about making people feel valued.

What I wish was different


Be sure to ask questions!
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Company culture, awesome team that worked quickly and knew how to have fun, learned full-stack in a summer and saw all parts of the company

What I wish was different


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Product Designer Intern

June - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

This was my first experience with product design at a large tech company, and the resources were great. I was able to learn a lot of design tools and had access to committed mentors throughout the entire internship.

What I wish was different


I would say that forming connections with other people and getting to know the members of your team is much important than you realize.
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Software Engineer

June - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I liked the low-pressure environment that allowed me to concentrate on work knowing that everything else would be cared for. I got to work on a cross-functional team that was really awesome.

What I wish was different

The corporate housing. I was housed in Fremont.


Take it if you get it!
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iOS Developer Intern

June - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Having the independence to make important decisions on my teams project.

What I wish was different


Being able to work well with others and learn quickly is more important than how much computer science you already know.
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Product Data Strategy Specialist Intern

June - September 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Lots of autonomy, project was impactful, internship programming was full of events, opportunities to meet other interns

What I wish was different

I would have liked a better introduction to the various technical tools FB has available.


Make sure to take on more work if you feel like you can handle it.
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Intellectual Property Operations Intern

June - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked


What I wish was different


Try to learn as quickly as possible. Remember that they don't expect you to come in knowing everything!
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Product Technical Program Manager

June - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I learned so much, and was challenged consistently and in ways I couldn’t prepare for. I met amazing and brilliant people who were passionate about making the company and product actually better for people, and changing the perception it has in the media.

What I wish was different


Network, and practice practice practice for the interview. You need to demonstrate that you are passionate, curious, and thoughtful.
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Facebook has a very high standard for their Software Engineering Interns, and I was treated just like any other Software Engineer on my team. This means I was expected to meet the same standard of my code, efficiency, communication, etc. as the full time employees. This challenged me a lot, and I was able to grow my coding skills tremendously throughout this experience. I also got to decide what project I would work on for the internship, and make almost all the decisions affecting my project.

What I wish was different

Completing such a difficult Software Engineering Internship after only my 2nd year of school was very hard. I had to work long hours in order to produce the quality and amount of code expected of me. Although this had a great outcome for me, others might not be prepared to succeed at this internship after only their 2nd year.


My best piece of advice is to always ask questions and ask for help during your coop. Your manager and team are there to support you and help you succeed, and they should be more than happy to do so! I'm very grateful for how supportive my manager was of me, and without such a great relationship with manager I don't think I would have performed nearly as well as I did.
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Data Engineer

June - September 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I got to meet lots of talented people.

What I wish was different


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Product Designer Intern

June - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

The company

What I wish was different

The work


Careful with all that you hear
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Front Desk Receptionist

May 2019 • Pittsburgh, PA

What I liked

I loved the people and office environment.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been better communication between my contracting company and the head company.


Dream big! Apply for opportunities and you'll be surprised about what you get m
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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Just about everything! The food was great, the perks were huge, and the project I worked on felt meaningful. My manager was very good too.

What I wish was different

I just wish I had more time to intern there longer.


Ask questions on the internal tooling and don't be afraid of being wrong! Lots of people monitor these tools and are ready to help out
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June - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I liked the people and culture. It felt like being in college with a pay, more perks and less homework. I think my experience was really exciting and I enjoyed it a lot. l had the opportunity to learn a lot of practical skills in iOS mobile app development within a very short time. Overall, the program was really well designed.

What I wish was different

I wished we weren't ranked against other FBU interns. This created a little of an unintended competitive culture where some interns would prefer to work both at work and after work at home to get ahead in weekly projects. Also, expectations could have been much clearer instead of getting halfway in and then realizing it and having to work twice as harder.


Never underestimate the expectations during your internship. Hit the ground working really hard and get that return offer. Also, definitely enjoy the experience and network. Get to actually know new people including other interns and full-time workers that you can connect with after you leave. You'd love your experience. Facebook is an amazing place
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Software Engineer Intern

June - August 2019 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

My manager was very kind and helpful, encouraging me to ask questions and willing to help me with the problems I encountered while trying to do my project.

What I wish was different

I wish I had a little more guidance to start with.


Don't be afraid to ask questions to start off, even if you think they're dumb questions, better to get them out of the way in the beginning rather than at the end!
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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Friendly team and helpful support from recruiter, managers, and peers. Great perks like free transportation, corporate housing, gym on site, food, etc.

What I wish was different


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Public Policy Extern

July - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

The company culture and team energy were phenomenal. This opportunity allowed me the chance to collaborate on projects with team members from all over the globe.

What I wish was different


Always ask for more to do and take the chance to get to know all of your coworkers.
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Software Engineer Intern

June - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Despite its size, Facebook is split into many small teams that feel like small communities and move fast when it comes to their work. Additionally, Facebook has a culture of treating interns like full time engineers, whether it be the perks they receive or the work they are given. Working at Facebook on several high impact projects taught me many of the tools necessary to be a full time engineer.

What I wish was different

Facebook's size and its vast codebase mean that many projects span several parts of the company and are often highly complex. As a new intern this can make diving into a project initially quite difficult. More structured learning experiences in the first few weeks of the internship may be beneficial to alleviate this issue.


The most valuable thing you'll get out of working at Facebook is learning from some of the best engineers in the world. As an intern you'll get to build some really cool things, but learning what its like to work with top engineers on projects that affect billions of people is an experience few other companies can offer.
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

The office amenities

What I wish was different

Menlo Park is a pretty boring place.


Getting off to a fast start is the easiest way to get ahead of your project schedule, complete additional tasks at the internship, and impress your managers.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I liked the work environment. I was able to learn and ask anyone around me for help. The progression throughout the project was smooth and well executed. The fact that your manager or the director of the team was just a seat over was surreal and I felt like I was an important asset to the team.

What I wish was different


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