
Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2020 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I loved my team. They were fun and and my manager was very supportive.

What I wish was different

I wish meeting new people wasn't this awkward, but remote work has its limitations.


Don't wait to reach out until the end.
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Backend Software Engineer

May - August 2020 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I loved how often I was able to commit to the codebase and how I was able to have impact as an intern!

What I wish was different

I wished I could have been in person instead of virtual, of course.


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Security Officer

July 2018 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Still working here at the moment. Great Perks such as free food and free gym membership for all employees.

What I wish was different



Ask questions and work hard.
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Product Design Intern

June - September 2019 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I really enjoyed how open-ended my project was, and how much I was able to contribute not only for my project, but also for other designers' work. I enjoyed being treated like all the other employees - attending daily standups and weekly meetings to know what everyone else was working on, and going to design critiques like all the other designers. My manager was always down to offer support when I needed it, and I genuinely liked all the people on my team. And obviously, all the perks are amazing (pretty much free food, housing, and transportation).

What I wish was different

I wish I'd had a bit more guidance in the beginning, especially since onboarding in a large company can be intimidating, and it feels weird to do anything that might upset the established workflows.


Have faith in your own work and do what's necessary for you to move forward - whether it's reaching out to your manager, switching gears, and talking to other folks.
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Software Engineer Intern

June - September 2019 • Bellevue, WA

What I liked

It was a fantastic work environment, good pay, a relevant project that made made me feel like I was meaningfully contributing, paid for my corporate housing in addition to salary, and had tons of perks. Perks include $350 dollar wellness benefit, $25 per week per person to a social event that you plan with 3 other employees, a $350 rideshare/bike purchase credit, semi-weekly intern events (like taking all interns to Blake Island for a day).

What I wish was different

There isn't much that I would change besides having housing slightly closer to the office.


Ask all the questions you can and stay on top of your work. Facebook has a very structured performance assessment and its up to you to keep up to date on your performance. They help, but it should be a weekly conversation with your manager.
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Software Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I was an intern through FBU, so I really liked that it was flexible and that we were able to work closely with other students.

What I wish was different


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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2019 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Good working environment and team culture

What I wish was different

Not very stable development tools


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Product Design Intern

May - August 2019 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I was given my own project to complete over the course of the internship that I owned which was a great learning experience. I had tons of mentorship opportunities and weekly meetings with my manager. There was also a lot of great networking events and it was highly encouraged that I meet as many people as possible. There were also amazing benefits for being an employee at Facebook and things like health insurance were included during the internship.

What I wish was different

It's hard to complain! But, I wish there had been more transparency throughout the course of my internship. It was easy to get blind-sighted with fun events and benefits, it was almost overwhelming. It often felt hard to disconnect from work.


Own yourself. You are your best supporter, and don't forget that. Expand your network to people you wouldn't normally reach out to or talk to. Find something to push yourself with every week. Constantly find ways to grow and jump on all opportunities to learn something new.
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Account Manager (Internet and Software)

June - August 2019 • Austin, TX

What I liked

I loved the people who worked there!

What I wish was different


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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I learned a lot.

What I wish was different

More focus on community.


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Computer engineer

June - September 2019 • Palo Alto, CA

What I liked

The environment

What I wish was different

The workload distribution


The quality of your experience is heavily reliant on how well you match within your team
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Software Engineering Intern

May - July 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Very fun culture, a lot of independence on project, many perks for employees and events for interns.

What I wish was different


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Data Engineer Intern

June - September 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Overall quality of life at Facebook is amazing. Free 3 meals a day, everyday transportation from around the bay to your office is covered through various options (i.e. monthly Caltrain stipends, shuttles from nearby bus stations, and a bike reimbursement policy), on-campus gyms are free to use, on-campus health facilities for check-ups covered under provided insurance, much more in addition to great compensation. As an intern, you are treated almost exactly lile a full time employee. Feedback is very important and you can always ask for more feedback to see how you're progressing in your internship.

What I wish was different



It's an overall great experience. However, I've heard how an individual experience is depends a significant amount on the team and manager to which one is assigned. So if anything seems off or odd about your team or manager, you should talk to your recruiter or someone involved in the intern program for your field.
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Software Engineer Intern

June - September 2019 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I was proud of what I worked on. I learned a lot and I really enjoyed working with the people I worked with.

What I wish was different

I wish I relaxed a little more on the weekends instead of thinking about work or actually doing work.


Don't worry and just work hard. Ask questions often. Check with your manager every week on your progress and whether or not you met your expectations this week and then set new expectations for next week.
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June - August 2018 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I loved the environment. I was always able to ask for help and learned a lot of skills that I wouldn't have necessarily learned in school.

What I wish was different

I wish that it was longer. I was just getting to know some people when it ended


Don't be afraid to ask for help.
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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2019 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Open, transparent, great benefit

What I wish was different

More involved with the team


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Frontend Software Engineer

June - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Environment, Benefits, Material Learned

What I wish was different

Wish I had met more employees and been to more talks


Don't work after hours.
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Global Marketing Solutions Intern

June - August 2019 • Austin, TX

What I liked

I enjoyed the company culture, specifically the full-time employees working within my vertical. They were really eager to help us. Despite the fact that they knew some of us would go elsewhere or jump between tech companies, they made sure to answer our questions, were available for meetings, and connected with us online. This was a value that was shared throughout the company and made me view the company in a new light as well as created an amazing workspace.

What I wish was different

The length of the internship. I wish it had been longer!


Be ok not knowing the answer, the learning process is the experience.
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Production Engineer Intern

June - September 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great culture, impact-oriented evaluations, smart coworkers

What I wish was different

More interaction with interns on other teams


Work hard and put in the hours -- it pays off.
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Product Data Operations Strategy Specialist

June - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

the culture, the work, the impact

What I wish was different



Incredible company to work for, learn quickly and you will succeed
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