Dominos Pizza

Assistant Manager

June - August 2019 • Burlington, WI

What I liked

I had a great time learning new skills and being in lead. The people I had met had taught me many lessons for later work experience.

What I wish was different

I had wished the work ethic would carry out to more people .


My one piece of advice would be that no matter what happens keep your eye on the end goal of each job.
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Food Service Worker

June - August 2022 • Ocean Springs, MS

What I liked

I liked the people that worked there and being able to drive around as a job.

What I wish was different

I wish the pay was higher and it wasnt as dangerous because of the customers and risk of accidents while driving. I also wish that the management was better or at least that it was more staffed.


Set an available time schedule and stick to it. If you concede your boundaries on when you are willing to work, they will continue to take advantage of that.
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shift leader

February - August 2019 • Spring, TX

What I liked

That I was trusted to make decisions to better the quality of the store and employees

What I wish was different


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Pizza Delivery Driver

June - August 2019 • Shelley, ID

What I liked

Most of the individuals I worked with were very understanding and helpful with getting used to what was required in-store and on deliveries.

What I wish was different

It feels like almost always that we don't have enough workers for a given shift. I've had cases where there were multiple deliveries (at worst 5) and I was the only driver there. Better management in that regard would be preffered.


Don't expect a normal given schedule going in, as times will vary based on whether an event is upcoming or whether the store is slammed in terms of business.
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Pizza Delivery Driver

June - August 2022 • South Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

It was easy to get to work immediately. They compensated for Gas and offered good discounts l

What I wish was different

It felt like I was taking on more responsibilities than other workers (especially other delivery drivers) and communication was sometimes difficult


Expect customers to treat you on all ends of the spectrum with delivery and tips
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May 2019 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

The work environment was very welcoming and love working with those people

What I wish was different

The hours were pretty bad for managers


You need to know when the customer does not get everything right. Don’t be afraid to stand your ground. Stand you for fellow workers as well
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Pizza Delivery Driver

April 2018 - July 2019 • West Des Moines, IA

What I liked

Easy, made cash every night, listen to music

What I wish was different

More competent co workers


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Fast Food Worker

February 2017 • Parkville, MD

What I liked

My coworkers

What I wish was different

I wish we had staff


Stay in school
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July 2019 • Hyattsville, MD

What I liked

The flexible hours and decent pay

What I wish was different

The duties I performed. Better training


Ask to learn more things
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Pizza Delivery Driver

August 2017 • Midlothian, VA

What I liked

Love the fast paced atmosphere

What I wish was different

Wish I had a job related to my major


An amazing job with good pay and good workplace. Great side job while you’re looking for other jobs.
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Pizza Delivery Driver

June 2016 • Marietta, GA

What I liked


What I wish was different

The management


Avoid roya
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Pizza Delivery Driver

April 2016 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

Cheap Food and would have cash every night.

What I wish was different

I hope customers would stop being rude a-holes.


If you don't like dealing with terrible people don't work a customer service job.
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Pizza Delivery Driver

May - September 2019 • Nampa, ID

What I liked

Being able to drive around listening to my music

What I wish was different

The hours. I ended up closing every shift for the last few months I worked there.


Just have fun with it.
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Shift runner

May 2019 • Chapin, SC

What I liked

Many hours

What I wish was different

Times of shifts


Be prepared to work more/less than you are scheduled
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Delivery expert

May 2017 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

It's nice to drive in my car and be responsible for only myself

What I wish was different

Wish people tipped better over summer, weird phenomena of living in college/football towns


if you don't have a good car, this job won't work for you for long. The car bill will overpower the money you're making when it breaks down.
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Domino's Insider

December 2018 - August 2019 • Eagle, ID

What I liked

The people I worked with were amazing. I was actively working to improve myself and they were willing to show me the in's and out's of management just because I was curious. I loved their teach by initiative mentality.

What I wish was different

Nothing, really. it was a great job.


All places should teach by initiative.
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Customer Service Representative

June 2019 • Winter Garden, FL

What I liked

I enjoyed working in the food industry and learning how to provide quality customer service. The management and coworkers at my store were phenomenal people and I truly enjoyed getting to know them.

What I wish was different

Domino's is a need-based working environment, therefore, some days are slower than others. I do wish that there had been more to do during the morning (slower) shifts so that the day could pass by more quickly.


Working at Domino's can be a fulfilling experience if you dedicate yourself to the work, however, it truly does depend on the people that you work with to make the job experience a fun one.
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Franchise Operations Intern

May - August 2019 • Ann Arbor, MI

What I liked

The company is fun and lively. It’s a huge global business and always is looking to be better.

What I wish was different

I wasn’t a huge fan of the division I was in. The people were great but I wasn’t passionate about the work.


Ask to do even more than they give you to do. By doing that, you get to work on even cooler projects.
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Delivery Driver

July - November 2019 • Fayetteville, NC

What I liked

The alone time in my car away from customers.

What I wish was different

The pay


Just don't
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Customer Service Representative

June 2018 • Abilene, TX

What I liked

I enjoy the friendly staff and creating beautiful pizzas

What I wish was different

I worked and took summer classes, maybe this summer just work full time.


Dominos is a great corporation/franchise to work for.
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