
Engineering Co-op

January - August 2023 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

I enjoyed the work environment, as well as the coworkers. We had weekly safety meetings to ensure that we were doing what we could to ensure the safety of our employees. I also enjoyed the projects that I was involved in. One of these projects was to make a system to help reduce the dust that is sometimes formed from the waste conveyor belt. Cargill takes great care in ensuring that their co-ops and interns are treated well and truly believe that we are the future of their company. They make sure that everyone feels welcome and help you to become a more rounded employee and individual.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had the ability to work on some bigger projects. I understand that because I am only in here for a limited time that I cannot be put on big projects, but I wish that I was at least asked to help a little with it. I also wish that when I first arrived that I was more outgoing in my attempts to get projects. when I first came, I just waited until people gave me work to do, but after a little bit of time I started to ask for work to do and that allowed me to be put on more projects. I also wish that I was able to work with more of the engineering staff here. I typically was working with the same individuals on most of my projects, so I wish that I had a greater variety of people to work with.


One piece of advice that I would share about this experience would be to make sure to put yourself out there. When I had first arrived, I didn't get a lot of work, but once I started to ask to be put on projects is when I started to enjoy the co-op more. Another piece of advice I would give is to not be afraid to ask for help. Everyone there knows that you don't have experience in the field, so you don't have to be embarrassed to ask for help. Another piece of advice I would say is to make sure to get along with your coworkers and to network when possible. It is important for companies to see that you are able to integrate yourself well into the workplace.
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Engineer Co-op

June 2024 • Sidney, OH

What I liked

As an ongoing Engineer Co-op at Cargill, I am in an environment which allows for the facilitation of my learning and growth, with the help of an exceptional team of supervisors and engineers. In my daily role, I facilitate the IDEX meetings, oversee operations on the packaging lines, and develop instructional materials and spreadsheets to enhance the productivity of the packaging unit. During my first 2 months at Cargill, I enjoyed the company in which I work, I feel very comfortable in my position, and I appreciate the effort my team makes to ensure my voice is heard, despite my age and inexperience. I enjoy being hands on the packaging lines, learning the way in the lines process, additionally, I thoroughly appreciate the opportunity to form relationships with the operators, as it allows me to hear and learn different perspectives, as opposed to the engineers. My experience thus far in my co-op has been incredibly rewarding. I've gained valuable insight into the engineering world, developed new skills in communication and problem solving and had the opportunity to work with a talented team.

What I wish was different

While my first two months at Cargill have been rewarding, I plan to discuss with my supervisors how I can enhance my experience further. With this co-op being my first engineering experience, at times I find it difficult to take initiative, due to my lack of experience. I would like to have more support from my direct supervisor, being able to use him as a resource to further my learning. Moreover, though I enjoy focusing on one line of the packaging unit, I hope throughout my next 5 months I will be able to expand my knowledge through observing and helping operations on different lines. Lastly, though the packaging unit has vast knowledge and learning opportunities, I hope to explore the refining unit of our plant. The refinery process is innately more chemical, as opposed to the mechanical nature of packaging, so working on refinery projects would help augment my skills in my direct major.


One valuable piece of advice I received at the start of my co-op, which I would pass on to future co-op participants, is that you are responsible for seeking out and creating your own learning opportunities. Engineers and supervisors have a lot on their plate, and they are not constantly looking to include a co-op on projects or leaning opportunities. Yet, not once have I been turned down from an experience after asking, I am always happily included on projects where my input is valued. As a co-op, you must be attentive, ask questions, and direct your learning in the way you want to. Most people are open to teaching and including you as long as you ask.
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Chemical Engineer Co-op

May 2024 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

I have now completed the first half of my co-op and am starting my second. I have really enjoyed my time with this company, compared to my peers in other co-ops around the Dayton area I have been given a lot more responsibility and not just been given busy work. I also have had a great group of people around me that have been more than willing to show me what a career in engineering entails. One thing I really found helpful is I have a supervisor in my department and a mentor outside of my department. Having both of these resources along with the engineering team to talk to was really beneficial to get multiple views and it really allowed me to get help whenever I needed it.

What I wish was different

At the start of my term, we had just switched to a more condensed version of training, and it was a lot of information being thrown my way at once. I could see why this wouldn't be a problem for someone who has worked in a factory similar to this one but with it being my first co-op it was a lot to process. That being said the department specific training was very in depth and was at a much better pace, I am only talking about the general training I experienced with other interns and new hires.


It can be very overwhelming especially in the beginning when you are learning process, equipment, and software but as long as you ask a lot of questions and reach out for support when needed you will succeed. I would also really recommend talking to technicians and other people outside of your engineering team, a lot of the time those are the people who know the equipment best.
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Packaging Engineering Co-op

January - August 2024 • Sidney, OH

What I liked

So far I have rather enjoyed all of the new work being done installing a new production line. Helping set up the line, working with installers to learn the new system and gaining valuable information on how to fine tune from the techs has been great. Being involved with multiple other projects like working with contractors to get quotes for automated storage systems has given me experience with business negotiations or working with the productivity engineers to set up all the data collection software and decision trees for our new line. All of these projects have helped me understand how much goes into just one production line and puts in perspective how many different people put their hand into help on projects. It is amazing to learn about all the different facets of manufacturing, technology, processes and professional development that can happen all in one plant.

What I wish was different

I wish I had put myself out there more to start my co-op term. There is a large magnitude of projects going on all at the same time and everyone could use a helping hand in one aspect or another. In packaging there are a lot of moving parts, so getting with the different departments and learning what they are currently working on could have given me more to work on at the start of my co-op. I also wish I spent more time with the operators during my start. They have a lot of experience with on the production lines and can always show you tips and trick that you would have never thought of or possibly just a new aspect on a project you are struggling on.


Learn that it is okay to ask for help, especially if you do not know the answer at that moment. It took me some time to build up the confidence to ask questions but once I learned that everyone wants to help you do well, the questions start to roll of the tongue. No person in the office or plant wants to see you do poorly or always be in a state of confusion. They are always wanting to see you learn and grow because they know that is what you came to their company to do, so take advantage of all the help you can get!
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Engineering Co-op

May 2023 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

The people and overall work environment at Cargill are great! I have enjoyed working on projects such as mine surveying, requestion of new drill components, and gas meter troubleshooting/testing.

What I wish was different

I would like to still learn more about the ins and outs of the site. I also would like to be more involved in projects on the site, currently I have a decent amount of downtime waiting to hear back from contractors and vendors.


Getting involved with the associate engineer's projects will keep you busy and just help you learn more about what happens around your plant.
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Operations managment Intern

May - August 2023 • Marshall, MO

What I liked

Even though i didnt get the location i wanted, I liked the relocation package and ability to travel. It is project based but you also had time to do scheduled calls to meet with industry leaders. Traveling to surrounding plants that produced different proteins, I got to see 2 kill facilities The diversity and inclusion

What I wish was different

A different location and something more involved in behind the scenes supply chain. More organization and communication for prior to starting - but i learned that this varied from location to location


Come in with an open mind, speak up and show initiative! Get to know the other interns, they can help with projects and even collab on new ones
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Mining Engineer

January - August 2023 • Lansing, NY

What I liked

Working on meaningful projects that I was able to complete. Worked with all the hourly crews and the engineering team regularly. I felt I learned a lot and was able to be helpful to the other employees.

What I wish was different

I wish I didn't have to go back to school.


It's never a good idea to act like you know everything. Be willing to learn and make an effort to do more than what is asked when completing projects. Don't be afraid to go do something on site that looks like it would be interesting.
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IT Business Analyst

May - August 2023 • Hopkins, MN

What I liked

I learned so much, increased my network, and had fun! I gained experience but also felt that I helped Cargill with my project.

What I wish was different

I wish for a more straightforward plan for my summer with a project already set.


Don't be afraid to ask questions and network!
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Capital Engineering Co-op

January - August 2023 • Hammond, IN

What I liked

I like that I have been given the opportunity to challenge myself with my time here at Cargill. I have seven different projects of varying length and complexity, ranging from replacing CPVC pipe with lined steel pipe, to replacing the roof of our office building and installing a new ventilation system in the corn mill. I feel like a valued member of the team here and I enjoy spending time with my coworkers and learning from their experiences. I love learning about the different aspects of manufacturing and the many many different things that all come together to make running a plant like this possible. As my work term comes to a close, I can look back and see just how far I've come in the past 8 months. This experience has given me the opportunity to grow my professional soft skills and confidence, as well as introduced me to the different equipment, technologies, and processes at work in a plant like this. While working here, I've built solid relationships with both my coworkers and the contractors I work with on projects and my time here has been incredible. I can't wait to see what the future holds.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had spent a little less time in department training and a little more time working on my projects. A lot of my projects have long lead times and the earlier you get started on projects like that, the better. I also wish that my Co-op term wasn't limited to 8 months, because I've really enjoyed my time here so far. It is an invaluable experience that I wish wouldn't end. I also wish that I had the opportunity to take on more events and opportunities outside my role, to gain a wider breadth of experience and make the most of my time. Given that I only had 8 months, it wasn't possible to experience all the different events/development opportunities offered at different points during the year.


Learn early on that it's okay to not know something, as long as you are willing to ask the right questions to find the answer. Make good use of your time and don't be afraid to challenge yourself. Even if you fail it will still be a learning experience. Phone calls are more effective than emails and face to face meetings are almost always better than virtual ones. Try to branch out and form relationships with people in many different roles across the organization. The opportunities for development and leadership are everywhere, you just have to be willing to put yourself out there and ask. Act on the constructive feedback you receive. And finally, have fun.
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Engineering Co-op

May 2023 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

I like the hands on experience and fast pace environment. There are a lot of people willing to help on projects and answer questions. The intern forum creates a great opportunity for networking with other interns during the summer, and gives a chance to meet employees on the regional team. The work and safety culture are both admirable, and make it worth coming back. My projects included increasing evaporator efficiency with a new cleaning method, installing a pellet mill autolube system using airlines and grease, installing a metering screw for recycle on a gluten dryer, and installing a rigging system for a blank.

What I wish was different

Onboarding and getting used to all of the different programs that the company uses makes it hard to get started at a faster pace. The plant could definitely be cleaner, and sanitation should be a higher priority because it causes difficulties. The processes to go through in order to implement projects are unclear without guidance from another engineer when starting out. The plant is all-hands-on-deck because things are constantly breaking, so more routine maintenance would be beneficial, but more people are needed at this location.


Take opportunities to visit other sites, and get a better feel for the company as a whole. Don't be afraid to listen to speakers at events like Intern Forum, because they have good advice to share. Try to be independent and not ask your supervisor questions that could be better directed towards others. Ask for help when necessary; everyone is very nice and will help you when they can!
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Commodity Trading Intern

May - August 2023 • Wahpeton, ND

What I liked

Cargill gives their interns all the needed resources to learn and exceed. You can make this internship what you want because they will help you complete your goals, as long as you vocalize them. Cargill's atmosphere is also great or such a large company. It is inclusive, and promotes individual growth. You aren't just a random employee at a huge company, your work matters and you make a difference.

What I wish was different

I wish the help with housing would have been better. You are on your own really to find places and roommates. They give you a housing stipend which really helps, but finding the housing was all on me.


Take every opportunity to learn, and learn more than you are taught. You can sit in on any meeting you want to and you can always reach out to anyone for advise. Take advantage of the huge network Cargill has to grow yourself and your personal network.
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Engineering Co-op

January - August 2023 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

I have been given 4 very interesting projects to work on each with their own complexity. Through working on these projects, I feel that I have been able to exponentially grow as an engineer and have gained invaluable knowledge that I will use throughout my career. I have also been able to help with day-to-day operations and seeing this perspective as a chemical engineer compared to project development, has aided me in deciding where I want my career to go. These 4 projects were re-designing an electrical rooms HVAC system, installation of a new HVAC system to help properly cool a control room, a project to improve an environmental wet SO2 Scrubber, and installation of an access platform.

What I wish was different

I wish that onboarding had been more hands on when first coming on site. Since this was my first job in a chemical plant, I was taken aback by the large scale of the operation and I felt that if onboarding had been more involved in the plant instead of mainly focused in a training trailer, that my first couple of weeks on the job would have been more effective as I tried to navigate around the facility.


One piece of advice is to learn the process and take the time to learn the equipment in the plant. By doing these actions in your first couple of weeks on the job, you can become a huge contributor to the operation. Also, do not be afraid to ask questions. Everyone at the facility is always willing to answer any questions you have and no question is a stupid question. By asking questions and setting time aside to learn the process of the operation, will you be able to learn as grow as an individual, and be an important asset to your respective team.
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Engineering Co-op

January 2023 • Saint Clair, MI

What I liked

I loved learning from the people around me at this site. Everyone was very supportive, and they never hesitated to explain to me how processes worked and how they were maintained. I also enjoyed learning about all of the different aspects of how salt is made, processed, and packaged. Lastly, I enjoyed the projects that I was able to work on in my time there. One project that I worked on was an automation project with a pallet dispenser in order to add a third switch and setting to the machine. While I did not do the programming myself, I did learn from the electricians and contractors that I worked with. Another project I worked on was adding pH probes to production pans. This project was definitely my favorite as it incorporated my interests in chemistry. The main goal of this project was to find pH probes that were suitable for the enviornment of a production pan while also being free of glassware and metal in order to get approved by the Food Safety team.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been given more difficult projects that were focused around my area of study. The main project I was tasked with was scanning and uploading the site's machine files online. While I understand this task is important, it took the majority of my time to complete since there are thousands of files and drawings to scan and edit. Since this one project took the majority of my time, I did not have as much time as I would have liked to take on projects that would have increased my understanding of the chemical engineering field.


One piece of advice that I would share is to be outgoing and to be yourself. It was difficult for me moving to a state where I had never been before, but my communication skills and my outgoing personality made my life much easier. I was able to make friends quickly, and I was able to form friendships with my co-workers. Another piece of advice that I would share is to seek out projects. You will rarely find what you are looking for if you wait for it to be handed to you.
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Engineering Co-op

January - August 2023 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

I was able to get more experience in operational trouble shooting and project management. I was tasked to work on 4 capital and a maintenance projects during my work term. I had three capital projects consisting of planning the install of valves, and a screw conveyor during a site outage. I also was given a project to install a new system for auto lubing the pellet mills. The maintenance project I was to work through a CMO Audit. All of these project have given we a good feel for the project management process.

What I wish was different

I wish that my departments team management was different. Unfortunately the team leader, FSQR, and a project engineer all have left within 4 months of me being on site. The department dynamic is constantly changing and evolving.


My one piece of advice would be to not be afraid to ask questions. I would also suggest to really dive into your projects and learn everything about them so you can be knowledgeable when going through the approval processes. I would also suggest to make connections with the people you are working with. It makes asking for help from them that much easier!
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Co-op Engineer

January - August 2022 • Eddyville, IA

What I liked

It was a great experience! I was given a lot of responsibilities and projects throughout my time.

What I wish was different

I wish there would have been a little more training. I was left to learn a lot of things on my own and it would have been nice if there was more structure.


Keep asking for more projects.
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Reliability Engineer Intern

May - August 2022 • Saint Clair, MI

What I liked

The great thing about an internship or co-op with Cargill is the ability to work on projects that have a impactful to the company. The work is not what you would consider "intern work". While there is some of that, the overwhelming majority of your work day revolves around projects. You often have input in what projects you will be taking on in your position, which allows for a much more enjoyable experience where you can align your work with your interests. With Cargill being such a large company, they are able to provide all of their employees with great resources around mental health, as well as foster a phenomenal environment with diversity and inclusion. Everyone is super helpful and dedicated towards making sure you have all the right tools to succeed.

What I wish was different

I do not really have anything surrounding the experience at work that I wish had been different. However, for me, finding housing was very difficult. From what I have been told in talking with other interns, some sites will provide apartments the apartments to interns/co-ops. But, in most instances if you qualify for a stipend, you receive that and then must find your own housing. Cargill provides resources to help with finding an apartment. It is a external company that does relocation for employees, but they have not been very helpful to me in both of my experiences. I wish that there was better assistance surrounding relocation because finding a good apartment can become very time consuming, which is extra stressful when paired with the end of a semester and final exams.


Make the most of your experience. Much of your work will be self-motivated and you will need to be willing to put in effort. From my experience, supervisors do not want to overwork the interns, and will provide you with a lighter work load. my recommendation is to not be afraid to ask for more work/projects if you feel you have extra time throughout the day. Sitting at your desk being bored is not a good way to spend the company's time or more importantly your time, because when it comes down to it, you are primarily in the internship/co-op to become a better engineer (or whatever role you are in). So my big piece of advice is take responsibility in your own success and development. Your supervisor does not know exactly what you need, whether it be more work, less work, more tools, more connections, or anything else. However, they are very willing to support you with those needs, you just need to vocalize it.
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Engineering Co-op

May - December 2021 • Cedar Rapids, IA

What I liked

I was assigned a variety of projects that aimed to achieve different goals and required different tasks. This range allowed me to develop my project management skills while working with contractors and operators in addition to full time engineers. I was able to work on projects that included automation, chemical safety, and data analysis.

What I wish was different

I wish I was assigned some projects that were further along in their development. I managed my projects from start to finish which made it difficult to complete larger installations before the end of my term.


It's okay to not know what you don't know. Most full time engineers don't expect you to be familiar with everything, so have conversations and try to find areas that you can learn about with a bit of your own research. Ask questions when you can't find the answer on your own! The most important thing is becoming comfortable with the feeling of not knowing something and being able to ask for help when necessary.
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Business Intelligence Intern

September 2020 - August 2021 • Managua, Managua

What I liked

Great team, amazing learning experience, was able to work on several different projects and help out different teams.

What I wish was different

I wish I'd had the opportunity to the office and have the in person experience.


Believe in yourself and be confidents that you are capable of doing things you've never done before. Don't be sacred to give your opinion and to take on new tasks.
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Project Engineer Intern

May - August 2021 • Hersey, MI

What I liked

Everyone was extremely welcoming and willing to help me learn.

What I wish was different



Don't be afraid to ask questions! Everyone is always happy to share their knowledge.
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Engineering CO-OP

January - August 2021 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

I liked the freedom and responsibility that I was given. This position really allowed me to learn a lot of real world engineering skills that I had not been able to learn in the classroom. With this new knowledge it helped me to understand the type of engineering I want to go into in the future.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have had a little more guidance on my first small project to really get a grasp on how to work my way through the types of problems that I often came across.


I would tell someone to take advantage of the responsibility and freedom that you are given and to learn as much as you can everyday!
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