
Commodity Merchant Intern

May - June 2018 • West Lafayette, IN

What I liked

I learned how about a whole new industry-- I learned what it first meant to be in the agriculture world and then how to be a trader.

What I wish was different

Geographically I would have preferred a larger city.


Understand before going into the position what kind of work environment you want and where you want to be later in life.
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Environmental compliance and regulatory management intern

May 2018 • Wayzata, MN

What I liked

The diverse group of people I got to work with.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more opportunities for teamwork


Go in with a readiness to learn. It's a huge company and the learning never stops.
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Food Safety and Quality Chemist Intern

May - August 2018 • Cedar Rapids, IA

What I liked

Great professional experience and learned about an entirely new industry. People were very open to showing me the ropes and answering any questions I had.

What I wish was different

Projects not very interesting.


Make the most of the people surrounding you at your internship. They all have so much more career and life experience that they can answer questions about what steps to take to achieve your goals and will go our of their way to see you succeed.
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Grain Origination Sales Intern

May - August 2018 • Albion, NE

What I liked

My position with Cargill was a Grain Origination Sales Intern. This summer I had the opportunity to originate grain to the Cargill elevator in Albion, NE. This location was a neat experience because it is attached to an ethanol plant that required 150,00 bushels of corn every single day. I spent the summer learning about the products Cargill is able to offer their farmers and then spending my days executing that knowledge by calling and visiting with farmers in the area to explain the value that those marketing products can bring to their families and farming operation. I also got to travel to Minneapolis, MN, and Wichita, KS to spend time with my fellow interns and learn more about the company. The best part about my summer was the chance to meet so many kind, smart, and hardworking people that work for Cargill. One of my tasks this summer was to create a value proposition for myself. Although it is supposed to be used when first meeting a farmer, I simply kept it in the back of my head when I was having these important conversations. My value proposition goes like this: “My name is Michelle VanCleave and I originate grain for Cargill. My dad taught me about the importance of money management my whole life, and now I am putting what he taught me to use. I care about helping farmers make sound decisions in the markets by utilizing our products so that they can eliminate financial risk and continue to provide for their family and farming operations.” This statement is a great way to convey my genuine intentions for the job I was given. The goal of my summer project was to contact 50 farmers and explain to them the value that Firm Bid Offers can bring their farm. Firm Bid Offer contracts outline the bushels, delivery period, commodity, and the price they are looking to sell their grain for and then sells when the markets hit their goals – to put it short. I started attaining my goal by contacting the Farm Marketers and Origination Specialists I was assigned to work with to see which of their customers or prospects would get the most out of hearing from me. After that, I explored our database that holds information about the customers, asked employees what these people were like, and printed off reports that listed what old and new crop was sold. I made sure that at the end of each discussion, if appropriate, I would ask for the farmers business and thank them for their time. The results of my efforts tallied up to 76 contacted farmers. 50 of these were through outbound calls over the phone and 26 were on-farm visits. Of the 26 on-farm visits, I had 14 solo visits by myself and 12 joint visits with the customer’s Farm Marketer or Origination Specialist. I earned 10 Firm Bid Offer contracts totaling 5,000 bushels of beans and 22,800 bushels of corn. It is probably easy to tell, but as for achieving the goals that were set for me, we count this as a victory. After this experience with Cargill, which I would recommend others to pursue, I have decided to accept a full-time position with them as a Sales Associate Trainee. I will be working out of their Overland Park, Kansas office learning the ins and outs of the business. It is neat to see how such little time with such a big company can prepare you for a career in the agriculture industry. This position lines up great with my education because everyone needs to know how to communicate, and if I can make it easier for farmers to understand their business just a little better, I will count that as a success. I am excited to join the working world because I will be doing something I truly enjoy. It has also been nice to take the time and reflect on the internship and all of my accomplishments through the agricultural communications internship class requirements. Reading my efforts throughout this paper and realizing what a difference I made in the company and the communities in Nebraska brings me happiness. I look forward to seeing what else my future might have in store.

What I wish was different

To have more of a personal relationship with my manager.


To be as open to any opportunities that get thrown your way. Also, to put in your best effort because you get out of it when you put in.
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Production Supervisor

May - August 2018 • Westwego, LA

What I liked

I loved this experience. Getting to work at an export facility as well as learn more about the grain industry was truly eye opening. The people I worked with were amazing, my schedule was super flexible, and I learned a TON.

What I wish was different

I wish I would've done housing on my own instead of letting them place me. Rent was $500 a month and the place I lived in was a complete and utter dump.


Make sure you are eager to learn. They give you a lot of freedom and in order to truly make the most out of it you have to go out on your own and build relationships with people who will teach you things you could never learn in a classroom.
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Production Supervisor Intern

June - August 2017 • Gibson City, IL

What I liked

Opportunity to be a leader and work on projects that will be implemented.

What I wish was different

Working with younger employees.


Cargill has a lot of great opportunities, make the most out of your internship.
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Accounting Assistant

September 2016 • Wichita, KS

What I liked

I gained a ton of experience and knowledge from working there. They are very flexible with my school schedule.

What I wish was different


Your hard work will pay off at the end of the day.
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Production Supervisor Intern

May - August 2018 • Hutchinson, KS

What I liked

Travel experiences. Went all over Kansas to different facilities, traveled to Dallas, TX and Fort Worth, TX, and also spent a week at the headquarters outside Minneapolis, MN.

What I wish was different

It would have been nice if the weather was cooler; it was pretty hot. Work was tough but I was tougher.


Spend as much time networking as you can, and gaining contacts within your company, you will most likely need them/use them for future reference. And have fun! These traveling internships are the only chance I might have in my life to say I went and lived somewhere else for a full summer, and those are the stories I will remember forever.
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Commodity Trader Intern

June - September 2018 • Minneapolis, MN

What I liked

Exposure to real world problems, hands on learning and challenging environment.

What I wish was different


Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
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Operations Manager Intern

May - August 2018 • Monticello, MN

What I liked

As an engineering student, I enjoyed being able to have a different experience in operations. It allowed me to grow and diversify my skill set before graduating and entering the work force.

What I wish was different


Take a risk. By taking an operations role, I decided to take an opportunity outside of what I thought I was interested in. I went into the experience with an open mind and I learned that I prefer engineering to operations. It's better to learn that in a 12 weeks internship than in a career that can be hard to switch out of.
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production worker

May - August 2018 • Marshall, MO

What I liked

The people I worked with everyday.

What I wish was different

The bosses, management.


Do it so you know how to work with other people, different types of management, and see the process of production.
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Agronomy Intern

May - August 2018 • Appin, Ontario

What I liked

Lots of opportunity for hands on learning and independence.

What I wish was different


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