Our summer camp program is for children and youth ages 7-17 years. We place campers into 3 age groups (7-11 years, 12-15 years and 16-18 years) and provide them with a unique program that is age-appropriate and relevant to the camper’s place in life. As a counselor, your job is to remain with your campers or other assigned group at all times, providing mature guidance, a sense of humor, and leadership. This job will make you very well-rounded — counselors do a little bit of everything! Teach skills (soccer/football, archery, sailing, arts and crafts, games); lead songs, worship and Bible study times; help campers with daily capers (chores); lifeguard (if applicable) and clean the camp between sessions. Yes, it is a hard job, but one that you’ll never forget! Many previous staff have changed their career choices after working at Camp Westminster for a summer or more.