Association for the Rights of Citizens with handicaps

About Association for the Rights of Citizens with handicaps

The Association for the Rights of Citizens with handicaps offers a day and residential summer camp to children and adults with disabilities. We are looking for energetic, caring, and fun individuals who can engage campers in activities including, swimming, gardening, life skills, arts and crafts, recreation, and overnight programming. Similar work experience is valued but not required. Join the ARCh Camp Pow Wow team for an unforgettable summer impacting lives through beach days, fitness, sensory activities, art projects, and more!


Camp Counselor

June 2018 Waukesha, WI
“I was happy to find a job in the field I am looking at working in. It was an absolute joy working with my campers, and further my exposure to people with special needs. This job helped me to see that I am in the right field, and that my education is important to be able to further my involvement in this particular field.”
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