World Impact

About World Impact

World Impact is a Christian missions organization committed to facilitating church planting movements by evangelizing, equipping and empowering America's unchurched urban poor. Our vision is to recruit, empower, and release urban leaders who will plant churches and launch indigenous church planting movements that will advance God's Kingdom in every city through the local church.

World Impact is committed to three missional priorities — Evangelism: We believe everything we say and do reveals the love of God to our neighbors. Equipping: We train urban disciples to live healthy Christian lives and make disciples themselves. Empowerment: Out goal is to empower indigenously-led, church-based ministries to transform communities together.

The missional priorities inform our one focus area: EMPOWERING URBAN CHRISTIAN LEADERS. Through healthy urban churches, the Holy Spirit will provide transformative power to communities through each of the following seven initiatives.

One of our ministries is the Oaks Camp and Conference Center, described below.

With a deep desire to join in what God is doing among the urban poor, The Oaks provides a place where people from all cultures, backgrounds and situations in life can step away. Our hope is that in this place, the distractions of day-to-day life will fade into the background and all who come will hear the Lord and be drawn closer to Him. As is often said, “God is changing lives at The Oaks.”

The Oaks hosts hundreds of campers from the heart of cities across California for five weeks in July. It is our goal for each child to experience a place of refuge. We let kids be kids again away from the usual stresses of life and discover their identity– through trying new activities, succeeding or failing, and being loved in Jesus Christ. Our daily schedule is full of fun, high-energy activities and meaningful, Biblical lessons. In the evenings campers enjoy large group games and our lively fire circle program with skits, worship, and inspired teaching. Each summer camp week begins on Sunday afternoon and ends on Friday. The Oaks Summer Camp program serves all ages through our 1st-3rd grade, 4th-6th grade, Jr. High and Sr. High camps.


Guest Relations Host

December 2012 - August 2019 Lake Hughes, CA
“I appreciated the atmosphere at the Camp and Conference Center with other employees, and enjoyed working towards a mission of reaching the inner-city with the gospel. ”
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