Western Technologies, Inc.

About Western Technologies, Inc.

Western Technologies is a leading professional services firm offering consulting services in the western United States in the fields of geotechnical engineering, environmental consulting and allied services, construction materials engineering, construction inspection and materials quality control, and nondestructive testing.

Western Technologies offers testing of concrete, soils, asphalt, and aggregates. Our testing services are performed in the field and in Western Technologies' modern laboratories manned by experienced engineers and technicians.

Western Technologies is part of the WTI, Inc. family of companies. Other companies under the WTI umbrella include Enviro-Drill, A provider of advanced geotechnical and environmental drilling services. National Calibration, an A2LA accredited calibration and repair service company that provides service and sales for measuring and test equipment.


Materials Technician

April 2019 Flagstaff, AZ
“I loved the atmosphere of my work professionals, extremely friendly, ready and willing to teach and mentor. It felt like a family atmosphere; it made me want to stay in Flagstaff for another year to work with them!”

Engineering Technician

May 2018 - August 2018 Durango, CO
“The company had a great culture and offered a lot of education and training with the internship”
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