The Boys & Girls Club of West Springfield is dedicated to ensuring that our disadvantaged young people have access to our programs and services, at a critical time when towns are faced with families in financial distress, programs struggling to stay afloat, and the need for complementary learning experiences that help to promote healthy youth development. Our members come from various communities around the lower Pioneer Valley, such as West Springfield, Agawam, Chicopee, and Springfield, and exhibit a myriad of learning capabilities. They represent various socio-economic, ethnic and language backgrounds and range in age from 6 to 18.
Throughout the school year, we provide beneficial and impactful before and after school programs in partnership with the West Springfield Public School at 4 of the 5 elementary schools and also at the Middle School. Here at the Club, we are continuing to expand our Middle School & Teen programming initiatives, such as our Teen Central program, with programs designed around their interests with expanded hours to help keep teens off the street and a positive place to go during the evening. Together, these programs serve over 230 members each and every school day and also offer active programming during school vacation weeks and early dismissal days.
During the summer, we have more than 250 young people attend our summer day camp programs, providing a safe and supportive environment, where kids can participate in fun and exciting activities like field sports, swimming, science & nature, arts & crafts, with different themes and field trips each week. While at camp, kids enjoy exciting programs such as Summer Brain Gain that helps to provide specific activities aimed at preventing summer learning loss, providing year round academic support and guidance for local youth.
In addition, the Club is proud of the many community partnerships that have been forged throughout West Springfield. For example, the Club currently hosts several community youth athletic associations, tournaments, specialized trainings for area non-profits, as well as community & family engagement play groups and weekly girl scout meetings just to name a few.
The Club is proud to serve as a vital community resource and as a leader in positive youth development, providing the necessary facilities and programs in support of local youth and families throughout our community and beyond.