Victoria Secret

Sales associate

May - August 2022 • Macon, GA

What I liked

I loved the atmosphere and culture.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time in the work place.


It helps develop your customer service skills.
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Sales associate

October 2020 • Cedar Hill, TX

What I liked

What I like about working at Victoria secret is the family environment that it has. It is very fun to work there because most of the time it doesn’t feel like you are working. Dealing with customers isn’t always easy but having a good team to work with helps out a lot.

What I wish was different


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June - October 2021 • Okemos, MI

What I liked

Every co worker was around my age and was very nice and welcoming. I got a good amount of hours and felt like time always flew by on my shift.

What I wish was different

They would've been more understanding with me being a college student. I couldn't work all the time and they didn't get that


I would give advice on knowing more about bras and the types. It's a lot harder than you think
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