Veris Insights

About Veris Insights

Veris Insights is a recruiting intelligence and analytics firm dedicated to helping University Recruiting and Talent Acquisition leaders attract, engage, and recruit top talent.

We combine extensive candidate and employer data with rigorous analytics to create research studies, briefs, tools, dashboards, platforms, and services to advise 200+ Fortune 1000 companies on their hardest recruiting issues – diversity and inclusion, recruiting events, candidate preferences, competitor practices…etc.

We are a values-driven company, and member value is paramount. But, equally as important as serving our members is building a remarkable company ourselves. We seek to practice what we study and dedicate ourselves to creating a welcoming home for exceptionally talented people.


People and Business Operations Intern

June 2022 - August 2022 Washington, DC
“Veris Insights has a wonderful company atmosphere that creates a great space for interns. My opinion was very clearly valued and I was very much included as an equal team member. As a result, this position was one that included lots of important learning on the job, which certainly advanced my abilities without specific instruction (though there were also chances for that as desired). The balance between a clearly structured program and one that allowed for lots of selection ensured that the internship was as interesting as it could be and I was able to grow in areas that I felt were essential for me.”

Strategy and Development Intern

September 2019 - December 2019 Washington, DC
“Great team, very supportive. Lots of room for asking career advice from full time employees. Cool office space. Very flexible with hours, and they give you lots of autonomy.”
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