TWT-GmbH Science &Innovation

About TWT-GmbH Science &Innovation

For more than 30 years, we have been committed to transferring the latest scientific findings into the economy. As an innovative technology company focusing on IT and engineering and pursuing a long-lasting and sustainable strategy, innovation and an inquiring mind are at the core of our services. Through our projects, we advance the industry of the future as an established innovation partner of premium manufacturers by collaborating in interdisciplinary teams and taking a holistic approach to digital product development. We make decisive contributions to our customers' success by combining engineering, process management and information technology across disciplines - WE KNOW HOW.


Master Thesis Internship

June 2017 - January 2018 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
“I did my master thesis internship, before graduating with a MSc in Computer Science. I participated in a predictive optimization project, where the objective was the combination of machine learning approaches with routing algorithms for the cost minimization of professional car routes. - Great collaborating environment. - Research promoting spirit. - Interesting and challenging problems. - Focus in personal professional and research growth. ”
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