The American Red Cross - National Headquarters

Recruitment Intern

September - November 2020 • Concord, NH

What I liked

Erica, the head of recruitment was extremely helpful and understanding, given the time difference between me in Las Vegas and her in New Hampshire it was a bit to work out. She gave me the freedom to execute tasks how I thought they should be carried out and was always willing to give me feedback or answer my call. She was always encouraging, the only reason I left was my Grandma passed away, and between that, being a full-time student, and caring for my mom I was unable to fulfill my role, so I excused myself from the position and Erica was more than understanding. I give her nothing but praise, if you are applying for your first internship and are a little scared, I highly recommend this position,

What I wish was different

Obviously, I wish I was paid.


The American Red Cross is 95% unpaid volunteers, but you can receive certain certifications for jobs at some locations such as lifeguard training, CPR, and first aid training. But do not expect to get paid.
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Marketing and eCommerce Intern

June - August 2018 • Washington, DC

What I liked

This internship provided me with valuable experience. They let me work independently on a variety of projects. There was always something to be done.

What I wish was different

Although this internship was at the NHQ, my team was actually based in NJ so I wish I were closer to the rest of them.


Network within the Red Cross -- reach out to people in other departments/teams.
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