REACH in Roanoke

About REACH in Roanoke

REACH is a nonprofit impact organization in Roanoke, Virginia that operates as an umbrella organization for five programs --- Summer Service Camp, Alternative Breaks, Neighborhood Revitalization Projects, Community Connections, and Corporate Volunteering. Despite their differences, each program springs from the same set of values, adhering to REACH's mission.

Our mission is to REACH together with the people of Roanoke, Virginia to restore hope, alleviate loneliness, and empower individuals by bringing folks together to transform homes, lives, and entire communities.

REACH, which stands for Real Experiences Affecting Change, is involved in sustainable community transformation.

What we do is: We connect and engage individuals and organizations in positive service experiences (Web site); where they discover local assets and begin to use them to transform their own communities.

How we do it: We bring volunteers in from all over the country to partner, cooperate and collaborate with other impact organizations, community groups, churches, businesses, associations, city officials & individuals to help them work toward building a thriving community (Web site).

But more important is The Why we do it:
We believe that all individuals receive great joy from involvement in selfless acts of generosity and desires everyone to live in a thriving community (Web site)

We believe that everyone has the ability and desire to transform their own lives.
We believe that sustainable change occurs when you involve the community using assets readily available to them.
And We believe that everyone at the end of the day wants to know that they made a difference; somehow, somewhere with someone, and that their existence made the world a better place.


Media and Marketing Intern

May 2018 - August 2018 Roanoke, VA
“I really liked the difference I was able to make within the community. I also really liked the relationships I formed. ”
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