Pixar Animation Studios

Pixar Undergraduate Program Intern

June - September 2019 • Emeryville, CA

What I liked

I loved the culture that Puxar has. It is so inspiring and they really love their employees. I am so grateful for having had this opportunity. From the very first moment I got there, I felt part of a family and wished my internship had never ended. People at pixar are very kind and generous with their time, willing to help you no just with the technical part of my work but personally. Wonderful experience!

What I wish was different

I wish the internship was longer because working at Pixar is a dream. They take care of you, even as an intern, you feel that they hear your voice and that you can trully make a difference!


I would say that if you are planing in applying to work at Pixar, do not be scared or feeling you are not good enough. Do your best, put a nice portfolio together and apply. Be brave, they will naver find you if you do not do your part. When working for pixar I would say, have fun. Enjoy your coworkers, make friends, explore the city and just be happy while being yourself. You will love it, trust me!
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Media Systems Tech/ IT Tech

June - November 2016 • Emeryville, CA

What I liked

That you aren't treated like an intern. You're treated like an employee and what you learn is valuable

What I wish was different

I wish the internship lasted a year


Be prepared to jump out of your comfort zone but don't be afraid because you will begin to see yourself grow and that's rewarding
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