
Machine Learning Intern

May - August 2022 • Pittsburgh, PA

What I liked

I liked the space my mentors provided me with to explore the field as well as the guidance they provided whenever I had any questions.

What I wish was different


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Full-Stack Software Engineer

June 2018 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

The work-life balance and the friendly team ecosystem. Lots of opportunities to learn, grow, and gain experience in different technologies.

What I wish was different

Mostly I was working remotely, would have liked some on-campus days.


Would encourage to also apply at PayPal for a great learning and work experience.
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2021 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

Loved the team and how supportive everyone was.

What I wish was different

Wish it were in person


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credit capital strategy analyst intern

May - August 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Culture, work

What I wish was different

Mode of internship


be inquisitive
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2021 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

The mentors really cared about our learning. They incorporated us in the design process for the project and we really got to think about why things were designed the way they were.

What I wish was different


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Strategy Intern

May - August 2021 • Lutherville-Timonium, MD

What I liked

PayPal is the most amazing place ever: the people, the work, the intern program, and everything else gave me the best experience and time here.

What I wish was different

I would not wish to have anything different.


I would advise all interns to really develop meaningful relationships with their managers, mentors, and anyone you look up to in the company.
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Team Leader

September 2016 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

I love working for PayPal. Never before have I felt like my employer, from the CEO all the way down to the person I report to and my peers, has cared so much about my wellbeing, happiness, and future. Customer support can be trying sometimes, but working for such an amazing company keeps me coming back day after day, year after year.

What I wish was different



Do the work expected of you and appreciate working for a company that compensates you fairly and you'll always have a job.
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2020 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

The internship was remote due to the COVID-19 pandemic but the University Programs team made onboarding so seamless. My team was amazing, I got to design and build an application that played to my strength. As a Ph.D. student, I was excited that the project I worked on enabled me to do research, and learn new technologies available for implementing a scalable system in a distributed environment.

What I wish was different

I wish the internship was in-person, I got to hear about how amazing the San Jose campus is.


Go into the program expecting to have fun while learning. I was so hung-up on the learning part, it took a while for me to realize that the fun is part of the experience.
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Undergrad Credit Intern

May 2020 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

Due to COVID19 the internship was virtual but PayPal did an amazing job providing the resources needed to engage in a meaningful internship and be apart of the company culture.

What I wish was different


Project leads, CTOs, and SVPs are willing to provide guidance and great advice.
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Computer Customer Support Specialist

May - August 2019 • Omaha, NE

What I liked

Great benefits

What I wish was different

Part time schedules


Great benefits and career opportunities
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Customer Support Representative

June 2015 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

The benefits are amazing

What I wish was different

There is so much change and I wish there wasn't


Great opportunities and great benefits
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Software Engineer

June - August 2019 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

I have grown so much and learned so much throughout this experience. In terms of Technology, I have learned and grown my knowledge to a next level. I started with close to zero knowledge about Machine learning, Python, and many of the technologies that PayPal uses. I learned so much on the job from personal research, mentorship and help. Technology was a big part of what I gained on this internship but I also gained so much more. Through PayPal I learned about the finance industry, the overall Business and corporations, how to run it and many tools they use. The people I encountered at PayPal and the relations I made are a big part of my experience. Made friendships with interns and employees and got mentorship from managers and CEOs. I started as a user of PayPal and now I am an expert and know all the different small and complex components of creating a business. In terms of activities, I participated and got involved in a bunch of amazing ones. For example, I participated in a Hackathon and won second place, I joined the Pride Parade and took part in it and as an intern got to be part of a 3 day conference full of great experiences. Getting to have the “Silicon Valley” experience is one of the goals in life that I have achieved and I am excited to see what other experiences my future is hiding for me. The most thing I did this summer that I loved doing is reflecting my experience to my community and with you. I started my Blog this summer to share my thoughts and benefit others. I also traveled to many cities and created Vlogs to share my activities. Also, I started filming talking videos to share advice about computer science and answer questions my followers have. I hope to encourage more people to enter the hi tech world, specially in my community and women in particular.

What I wish was different


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Product Management Intern

May - August 2019 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

The people, the area, and the experience I received from the role.

What I wish was different

Networked more often


Network as much as possible
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Computer Customer Support Specialist

June 2018 • Merchandise Mart, IL

What I liked

PayPal is very a high volume call center that is catered towards making sure their customers are happy, as well as their employees. I liked that they really show they value their employees by providing free lunch, CTA reimbursement, and free snacks.

What I wish was different

Nothing, everything is great.


Be ready to push yourself to be better. Also, be open to changes. PayPal is a technical financial company so things are always changing.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

I really liked working on a team and being able to create deliverables that actually went live.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have had a better prior understanding of front-end development so I could have done more.


Take advantage of the network you have while working at a tech company. Try to learn from as many people as possible and don't confine yourself or box yourself in. Ultimately internships are about learning.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

PayPal is a good company to work for. Work life balance is great, everyone is nice and encouraging. There is also this black employees at PayPal organization that helps make black employees and interns more welcome and feel at home

What I wish was different

A lil boost in the party won’t have been too bad 😂 cause California tax is basically the entire salary 😂


It really was a good experience
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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2018 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

modern workplace and culture; open and friendly team/manager; transparency; easy-to-find and helpful resources

What I wish was different

free food/catering


don't be afraid to ask questions to succeed
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

During these 12 weeks, I developed, built, and deployed a full-stack Javascript application with SSO and 2FA using ReactJS, Node.js, along with many other frameworks and technologies. I got to work with an awesome manager, mentors, and a supportive team. We got to show our support for each other with our “It’s Going To Be Ok, Joe” team t-shirts. I had a 1:1 with Wes Hummel which gave me the extra motivation to consider pursuing a future MBA. The Intern Summit was a blast and I got to meet my University Recruiter, Ray, who is also an awesome DJ! The SCF interns are a wonderful group of intelligent people who know how to have a good time. To top it off, I was offered a full-time position as a Software Engineer on Darth Credit, one of the PayPal Credit teams, upon graduation – I happily accepted! This internship has changed the course of my professional career and I couldn’t be more happy to see where this next chapter leads.

What I wish was different



For the first two weeks, I took all of the training modules that PayPal had to offer on ReactJS and Node.js. Prior to this internship, I had had experience in HTML, Javascript, and CSS. I kept wanting to dive into the project right away and apply what I had learned, but thanks to the advice of Terry, taking the time was one of the right ways to go about it and also make sure that I had the fundamentals down. It definitely was a bit of a learning curve but after these two weeks, I dove in! I was given the skeleton application to start off with. I looked at each file and mentally drew a map of how the different entry points created the React application and followed the MVC model. When I started adding in my first React component, I noticed that the application used CommonJS syntax and I had learned ES6 syntax. To best utilize the time that I had, I asked if there was a way to transform the app into an ES6-based app. Because my team primarily focuses on back-end, Terry and Beka always made sure that I had at least a few points of contact and the tools that I needed. I reached out to a full-stack Javascript developer, Jeff, who was part of another Credit Engineering sub-team in Maryland. He mentioned a PayPal-specific starter sample-app with ES6 syntax and helped me migrate the code that I had from the skeleton app to the sample-app. He became my unofficial Javascript mentor and helped me out immensely with this project whenever I had a PayPal-specific JS question – he is better than StackOverflow! With this sample-app, I was able to easily transfer the knowledge that I had learned from the trainings, and take off. I figured out how to make REST calls using axios and display tables via React-Bootstrap to show the JSON data. I was also able to create a form component using Redux-forms. This component allowed the Credit Engineering developers to create financing resources programmatically instead of manually. By the time Week 8 came, I was able to successfully build and deploy the application. The highlight of this project happened during the last three weeks of my internship – the SSO task. With the number of tasks presented, it wasn’t expected for me to get to the SSO task. However, I personally made a goal to challenge myself and make it to the SSO task. On Week 10, I was assigned the task of figuring out how to implement SSO (Single Sign-On) with 2-Factor Authentication into this application – I was so excited! With the help of the strong network that PayPal cultivates, I reached out to a couple of interns from San Jose who implemented SSO into their JS application. With the help of their document, I was able to figure out the setup, which was slightly different because the Credit Admin Console app was based off of a different sample-app than the one that they had used. As I was making the changes, I documented the process that I went through and created a document for my team as well as other teams to use as a source of truth. After communicating with the SSO team and verifying that I had the correct setup for Node.js, I was able to access the app, provide authentication on my phone, and then successfully log into the app online!
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Program Management Intern

May - August 2018 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

I really liked the internship experience. The University Programs team is great at making everyone feel welcome and involved at PayPal. I also liked my team and how my internship was structured. My team gave me a huge project as an intern and I really felt like I made an impact at the company. I also really enjoyed meeting all of the other interns there. We seemed to all have very similar interests and values.

What I wish was different

I wish my role would've been a little more technical, but my project had a mix of a bunch of different tasks.


Take note of everything you're doing. You often forget how much you've done because time passes by so quickly. Taking note of it helps you when you're getting performance reviews and also helps with your resume. Also, be sure to network a lot. People are always there to help you learn more.
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Software Engineer

May - August 2018 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

The people

What I wish was different



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