Pacific Neuroscience Institute

About Pacific Neuroscience Institute

Pacific Neuroscience Institute (PNI) is devoted to the care of patients with a wide spectrum of neurological and cranial disorders including: brain, skull base and pituitary tumors; adult hydrocephalus; stroke and other neurovascular problems; vision and hearing disorders; as well as facial pain syndromes and movement disorders. Our multidisciplinary specialists in neurosurgery, neuro-oncology, stroke neurology, neuro-ophthalmology, otolaryngology and endocrinology work collaboratively in providing leading-edge, minimally invasive treatments for these complex disorders. Through John Wayne Cancer Institute and Pacific Neuroscience Research Center, PNI faculty also conduct translational and clinical research, anatomical cadaveric microdissection studies, clinical trials in neuro-oncology, as well as fellowship training. We also offer undergraduate educational opportunities in the neurosciences.

For college students interested in a career in medicine or the neurosciences, PNI can provide several internship opportunities, including: 1) participation in data collection and manuscript production of a clinical research project in the treatment of brain, skull base or pituitary tumors; 2) assisting with conducting clinical trials of targeted immunotherapies in neuro-oncology for malignant brain tumors; 3) participation in a surgical neuroanatomical project in our Skull-Base and Endoscopic Microdissection Laboratory.


Certified ophthalmic assistant

December 2017 Santa Monica, CA
“Multi-Specialty clinic provides the nursing student with a lot of educational opportunities . ”
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