Nexus Shift Games

About Nexus Shift Games

We're a small group of young gamers working on an ambitious little project. We're trying to bring tabletop rpgs like Dungeons and Dragons to a higher level by developing a tabletop game with an app alongside it, therefore taking away the massive 300+ page books that have prevented these great games from reaching a wider audience.
The tabletop market has been growing at an incredible pace, consistently growing around 20% every year for the past 10 years. The audience is there, but tabletop rpgs like Dungeons and Dragons have not quite shared in the growth. We believe that's due to the fundamental hurdles involved in learning a game from books larger than most novels. Despite this, tabletop rpgs are deceptively simple to learn, someone just needs to show them the way. We believe we can be those people.
The game we are developing is called Children of the Beast, about beast hunters living in an apocalyptic world making the choice between saving their people for fame and fortune or stealing the power of the world's monstrosities for themselves.


Software developer

June 2017 Atascadero, CA
“Extremely kind, understanding and friendly atmosphere. Small company that allows many learning opportunities without pushing you too hard. If you are in touch with your nerdy side, you will fit in here.”
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