Michigan Radio

About Michigan Radio

News and Information Public Radio Station
Michigan Radio is the public radio service licensed to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Our mission is to “uncover the facts, share the stories, and create the connections that give meaning to our complex world.” You can find us on our four broadcast stations (WUOM 91.7 FM Ann Arbor and Detroit, WFUM 91.1 FM Flint, WVGR 104.1 FM West Michigan, and WRSX 91.3 FM Port Huron), news website (, social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), podcast platforms (i.e., Google and Apple podcasts), and in community spaces.

In addition to offering daily news programming from national and international public radio outlets, such as National Public Radio (NPR), American Public Media (APM), and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Michigan Radio produces and distributes its own quality, local journalism. We employ 31 full-time staff dedicated to creating journalism content, including reporters, producers, editors, and hosts who work at our headquarters in Ann Arbor and at bureaus in Detroit, Flint, Lansing, and Grand Rapids.

Michigan Radio’s team of award-winning journalists presents statewide news in hourly newscasts throughout the day and multiple times per hour during drive/commute times. In addition, our content staff develops in-depth reporting via feature stories, enterprise and investigative reports, long-form interviews, and podcasts.


Digital News Intern

June 2019 - August 2019 Ann Arbor, MI
“Flexible schedule and comfortable work space!”
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