McCormick & Company, Inc.

Human Resources Intern

June - August 2023 • Geneva, IL

What I liked

Company culture, fantastic pay, networking opportunities in all areas of business (corporate, supply chain, manufacturing, lab)

What I wish was different

More specific projects


Come to work at your best every day.
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Marketing Intern

June - August 2020 • Hunt Valley, MD

What I liked

McCormick puts a lot of effort into their interns to help them gain valuable experiences. They try to give return offers to as many interns as possible, essentially using their internship as a training for full time positions.

What I wish was different


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Quality Intern

July - August 2020 • Hunt Valley, MD

What I liked

The effort put into the program, even when it had to be converted to a virtual experience.

What I wish was different

That it could've been in person.


Make sure to network, as an intern people are more than willing to share their experiences and answer your questions.
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Marketing Ingredients Intern

June - August 2019 • Hunt Valley, MD

What I liked

Company culture was great and projects I worked on were interesting.

What I wish was different


Take advantage of this experience as much as you can, and go out of your way to connect and meet new people.
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Customer Service Student Co-op

June - September 2019 • Hunt Valley, MD

What I liked

It was as if I was at the same level as all the customer service representatives I worked with. It was a great experience to get me started in the work world.

What I wish was different

My summer project was a little rushed towards the end. I wish I had a bit more help throughout the experience with it.


It is a hard, fast, and somewhat intense work environment. While I 100% recommend this experience, you need to be prepared o jump into the deep end.
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Marketing Intern

June - August 2019 • Hunt Valley, MD

What I liked

I really enjoyed the company culture at McCormick. From day one, I was welcomed to learn, grow, and contribute business value.

What I wish was different

I wish I got to explore more about different marketing departments during my time. At McCormick, marketing means a lot of different things and has many different teams. They all do such amazing and innovative work that one summer was just not enough time to see it all!


I would recommend McCormick's internship program to anyone. Not only do you participate in meaningful project work, but the people at McCormick are truly inspiring and work to make your experience perfect.
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Supply Chain Engineering Intern

June - August 2018 • Hunt Valley, MD

What I liked

The environment of the company is amazing. It is full of individuals who love their job and the people they work with.

What I wish was different



Working at McCormick was a life changing experience and anyone with the opportunity to do so, should!
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Process Engineer

May - August 2017 • Hunt Valley, MD

What I liked

Organized, challenging and motivating

What I wish was different

Longer internship


Do not be afraid to challenge the status quo
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Rebate Accounting Intern

May - August 2017 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I loved that they gave me a variety of projects to work on so that I could better understand the business as a whole. The work environment is extremely friendly and people treat you as if you were at the same level as they are.

What I wish was different

I wish that my internship could have been longer than 11 weeks because I felt that toward the end I was in the middle of a huge project that I wanted to complete, but ran out of time on.


I would tell a future intern to not be afraid to ask questions because they are their to help you learn. Also, go out of your way to schedule meetings with people in other departments so that you see the many opportunities that your major can take you.
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