MAD Greens - Eat Better

About MAD Greens - Eat Better

Eating better. It's not just a New Year's resolution anymore. Today, it's a rallying cry. We all want something better than what fast food has given us. We want the ingredients, meals, and flavors our bodies deserve. MAD Greens started in Denver, Colorado with the notion that providing healthy, fast and fresh food shouldn't be an alternative. It should be the standard. That's why we're proud to deliver a little bit of Better with every bite. We've been doing it this way since 2004, and our future looks even better. Check out what we are all about:


Restaurant Shift Leader

December 2019 - August 2020 Fort Collins, CO
“Interacting with lots of different people.”

Fast Food Worker

May 2020 - August 2020 Lone Tree, CO
“Mad greens is my favorite restaurant to work at.”
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