Just Neighbors

About Just Neighbors

Just Neighbors ( is a nonprofit immigration legal service office which provides immigration legal services to low-income immigrants and refugees in Virginia, DC, and Maryland. Just Neighbors is a member site of National Justice For Our Neighbors, a national non-profit dedicated to providing quality immigration legal services throughout the nation.


Just Neighbors

June 2020 - August 2020 Annandale, VA
“During a time when the fate of DACA and the future of many immigrants in the U.S. was at stake, I truly felt I got to make a difference and help a community that I can genuinely connect to. As an immigrant myself, I conducted interviews and stories that helped me understand I am not alone and that we are a community at large. I also liked being able to have a lot of projects to lead by myself. For instance, I was asked to create an interactive map of clients that came to Just Neighbors and I had to find the tools, designs, and platform by myself. I also got to do research and create a resources list for new clients which would provide them with an array of social services that low-income immigrants could utilize. Furthermore, this internship was at an important time when the VA office was merging with the D.C. and Maryland offices so I learned a lot about making such a big transition in the non-profit world. ”

Front Desk Intern

May 2019 - August 2019 Annandale, VA
“I loved the friendly, compassionate staff, the work they did for the low-income immigrant community of Northern VA, and the different tasks I was assigned that helped me learn.”
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