Journey Home

Donor Care and Client Assistance Intern

May - August 2019 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

I liked the flexibility I was offered. This was my first “real” job in an office, and Journey Home offered me a great environment to learn. I improved my ability to work with coworkers as well as a lot of independent projects, with little micromanagement. Every day I was around people who really cared about and loved the work they did, which I believe does not happen all that often.

What I wish was different

Honestly very little. The part of work I liked the least was researching best practices, but just because there is not a lot of data out there about furniture trading programs.


Go into each day with tasks to accomplish. Even if that means a quick response to an email or a larger project, have a set of goals to try to complete. That way you know what you need to do, and if you can’t finish everything, you know what work you can do tomorrow. Also, be creative. Don’t be afraid to come up with and share your ideas.
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