Hybrid Social Solutions - HSSi

About Hybrid Social Solutions - HSSi

Despite the best efforts of the electricity sector, around 20 million Filipinos currently live in unelectrified and poorly electrified areas. Without access to electricity, daily chores are more difficult, and livelihood, health, education, and security are adversely affected. As a result, tens of thousands of communities are deprived of the ability to develop economically and eventually escape poverty.

Founded in 2010, Hybrid Social Solutions, Inc. (HSSi) is an award-winning social enterprise that provides rural, off- grid communities and underserved remote on-grid communities in the Philippines with sustainable access to high- quality, affordable solar technologies aimed at spurring basic economic development. We have developed strong partnerships with technical innovators for high-quality solar products that are suited to our target market and also with community partners by means of our Solar Access Program (SAP).

HSSi carries a line of long-lasting solar solutions that cater to the specific needs of the unelectrified end-user, encompassing pico lights, mini home systems, small office systems, specialized livelihood systems, and systems for off- grid commercial and community facilities.



June 2018 - August 2018 Manila, Philippines
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