
Design Engineer

June - August 2021 • Waukesha, WI

What I liked

Great company culture, great employee base and a strong co-op program aimed at teaching students and preparing them for industry work.

What I wish was different



Apply yourself to roles outside of your specific team and try to learn as much about the company as you can to see if it could be a good fit for you.
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Design co-op

September - December 2020 • Waukesha, WI

What I liked

The depth to which I learned about every aspect of the engineering process for a few projects was part of what I liked most in my experience. The people and the culture at this company also made for a great experience.

What I wish was different


Don't be afraid to ask questions... about anything. The people you work with are very smart and you can learn a lot from them all, in all aspects of life.
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Engineering Design Intern

May - August 2019 • Waukesha, WI

What I liked

I worked on really important projects and had an amazing team. I got to travel to visit a customer and show of the work I had completed

What I wish was different

I wish it were located in downtown Milwaukee. The commute was rough


Attend the group events! I didn't make all of them, but getting to know other employees and interns can make a big impact on your experience
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Desing Engineering Co-op

May 2019 • Waukesha, WI

What I liked

I have enjoyed the fact that I have a say in the work I do day to day. My project was directed at a certain goal of increasing efficiency, but how I got there and the tools I used to do so was entirely up to me. This is a real-world work environment where you aren't babysat. I was given a job and the responsibility was on me to finish it. I have really enjoyed this.

What I wish was different

I wish I knew a little bit more about what my job entailed before starting. I knew I would be a design co-op in the automotive section, but beyond that I didn't really know what work I was signing up for until my first day.


It may be hard to think of them but ask questions. Ask about what projects co-ops and interns have worked on in the past with specific teams. Also be sure to tour the facility if possible, at least with Husco you are given the opportunity to tour, and they sit you down with several engineers and program managers from the general area you will be assigned to. This is the perfect opportunity to ask about what it is you will be doing face-to-face.
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Machine Welder

January 2018 • Whitewater, WI

What I liked

Having a balanced schedule of work and off time while saving for school.

What I wish was different

Taking less hours, I worked 10 hour weekdays and every other Saturday 10 hours.


Get a job to save for school and work it even into the school year, but be sure not to overdue it and overwork yourself.
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Design Engineering Co-Op

May 2018 • Waukesha, WI

What I liked

During my summer experience I got immersed into countless avenues of the company and learned so many valuable skills. I was doing actual engineering work which was surprisingly hard to come by based off my conversations with my peers who also had internships/co-ops last summer.

What I wish was different

Since the beginning of the fall semester, work has been really slow and despite requests, have received very few new projects so I have sat around twiddling my thumbs a bit so far.


Ask questions and do not be afraid to tackle projects that are out of your comfort zone. It is through those experiences that you will learn the most about yourself as well as learn most about the product you're working on.
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Rotational Co-Op

June 2017 - August 2018 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

My managers provided a lot of challenging work and actively tried to tailor tasks to my major to make sure I got a lot out of the experience; Husco has an end-of-term presentation contest where interns present to executive leadership, and it’s great practice for future business presentations

What I wish was different

I wish the work were in Minneapolis (closer to home); a few more structured intern bonding events would have also been nice.


Go into it ready to work & make sure to advocate for yourself so you can learn more/make a bigger impact!
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