Probation Officer Intern

November 2019 • Jersey City, NJ

What I liked

I like how my department has many officers who work hard to make sure I learn the most that I can in this workplace and make me feel like I have been here forever.

What I wish was different

The location is probably the hardest part of it all because of all the traffic and lack of parking.


Take advantage of the learning experiences and the opportunities/ people you meet here because more often than others the people here are very welcoming and offer their attention and help for whatever you need.
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Narcotics Intern

May - August 2018 • Jersey City, NJ

What I liked

Seeing how investigations started, how to file cases, how operations & background checks were done

What I wish was different

I wish I had more to do on a day to day basis.


Put your best effort into everything you do, even if it is for a simple task. Your hard work will be recognized.
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