HRI Inc.

About HRI Inc.

As a subsidiary of Colas SA, HRI, Inc. has embraced the following Business Principles of the Colas Group to guide our activities and relationships as we conduct business with our customers, suppliers, and fellow employees.

Business Principles of the Colas Group
The core of the Colas Group's ongoing success and development lies in preserving the trust of our clients, employees, shareholders and other third parties.

The Group's flexible, decentralized organization enables each and every one of us to exercise the autonomy required by our respective corporate responsibilities in accordance with the distinct characteristics of each location.

The following guidelines will enable everyone to proceed in line with Group policy when he or she is confronted with a specific situation

However, these guidelines cannot possibly foresee every situation which the Group's employees may encounter; we must often rely on common sense in the pursuit of our goals. These principles apply to everyone who works in the Colas Group throughout the world.


Engineering Intern

May 2021 - August 2021 State College, PA
“I really enjoyed how much I was able to learn about the construction industry in one summer. I liked the company culture and how willing other employees were to answer my questions and show me new things. I also appreciate that I was given the chance to take part in the projects, and not given tedious work.”
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