Hammond, Travers, & Tuttle PC

Tax Intern

February 2024 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

I enjoyed learning from the CPAs about how to navigate the software we used and solve the problems we encountered. Being a small firm, everyone at HTT is close and open to helping each other out. I also liked the flexibility in the schedule, I got enough hours every pay period without missing a doctor's appointment or family event.

What I wish was different

I wish the option to work long days was available after tax season. After 4/15 the number of hours dropped significantly.


Do not hesitate to ask questions, even about small stuff.
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Tax Intern

January - April 2022 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

The work environment is very open and relaxed. Everyone there wants you to succeed in work and school and they are flexible with scheduling if something comes up. I really enjoyed being able to take any questions I had to a CPA and get an answer right away. Fun fact, this internship taught me more about taxes than I learned in my tax class!

What I wish was different

N/A. Hammond, Travers, and Tuttle is an amazing place to work.


The CPAs are there to help you so ask questions! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any more specific questions!
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Tax Intern

January - April 2022 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

I like how friendly and helpful everyone in the office was. If you needed help or had a question, they are willing to help you no questions ask.

What I wish was different

The only thing that I wish would be different would be commuting here. I wish I lived closer to Scottsdale as it was an hour commute.


One advice would be make sure to ask questions to any of the CPAs working here. They will be there to help you understand and learn the tax processes.
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Tax Preparer Intern

January 2021 - April 2022 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

I loved that all of the CPAs were excellent at what they do, personable and helpful. The job itself was extremely peaceful to where you just learn the job with hands-on training and just start doing tax returns once they start rolling in. It's an excellent experience where you can learn invaluable things all relating to tax.

What I wish was different

Tax is a super complicated topic, I wish I had asked more questions and took more advantage of this opportunity.


Ask as many questions as you can. Take advantage and truly try to learn the field about why things are the way they are instead of just entering numbers into a computer.
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Tax Accounting Intern

January - May 2021 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

The experience was excellent. The work environment overall is quiet and conducive to being focused. The CPA's here are very knowledgeable and everyone is willing to take questions and help you figure out whatever you may be stuck on when preparing taxes. I never felt like I was being rushed or had someone breathing over my shoulder which was a huge plus for me. I would highly recommend for anyone to give Hammond, Travers, & Tuttle a shot if given the opportunity.

What I wish was different

Wish I could spend more time here.


Early on there will be tons of things you need to learn about the software that is used and with how to properly enter the tax returns. Ask as many questions early on.
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Tax Accounting Intern

January - May 2021 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

I loved the people. They were very accepting of any questions I had about accounting and made me feel cared for. I also enjoyed the set up and work environment. Scottsdale Forum is an elegant place that motivates one to work even harder than normal, and HTT provided me a high quality desk with all the adequate resources to develop professional skills and learn more about tax accounting. Finally, the best part about the job was how much I learned. I loved how there was designated time for training every week where we could discuss the challenging parts of the job and strengthen our knowledge. Every day involved different problems to solve, which allowed me to learn all the different angles to tax accounting.

What I wish was different

I wish I lived closer to Scottsdale so I could spend more time with such a great company.


The internship goes by fast, so make sure you make the most out of every week, day, and hour!
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Tax Accounting Intern

January - April 2019 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

I really enjoyed how friendly and willing to help everyone was. Not only did I learn more about tax than I could possibly learn in the classroom, but I got the chance to work with very knowledgeable CPA's. This job definitely helped me see what working as a CPA would be like and put me on the path for success.

What I wish was different

I think the experience was everything and more that I was looking for. I had the ability to get hands on experience and enjoyed the immense learning opportunities provided.


Don't be afraid to ask questions! Even during busy tax season, everyone is willing to take the time to answer questions or help you out. Each person has has a wealth of knowledge and experience covering all sections of the tax code.
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