Girls Inc. of Tarrant County

About Girls Inc. of Tarrant County

PLEASE NOTE: Girls Inc. of Tarrant County has two divisions--one the empowers all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. Under the name Tarrant County Kids, we also provide high-quality, affordable childcare.

GIRLS INC. OF TARRANT COUNTY: Girls thrive when they receive messages of aspiration rather than limitation; when they have access to positive role models; and when they receive the resources necessary to overcome challenges.

With the right people, environment, and programming, Girls Inc. girls are empowered to set high expectations and succeed. Girls build confidence and embrace positive decision-making, take charge of their health and well-being, and achieve academic,
personal, and career goals. As a result, they will provide themselves and their families with economic opportunity.

Girls in Tarrant County participated in these life-changing programs and experiences because of your support and advocacy in our community. With you in her corner, girls are identifying their unique strengths and building a sense of sisterhood, not competition. With you in her corner, girls are receiving the tools they need to succeed academically and plan for post-secondary education. With you in her corner, girls are making healthy choices, physically, and emotionally.

TARRANT COUNTY KIDS: Girls Inc. of Tarrant County also operates a high-quality, licensed childcare program throughout Arlington. The before- and after-school childcare is located at the child's Arlington Independent School District campus and is facilitated by trained professionals.


Site instructors

June 2018 - August 2018 Arlington, TX
“I liked that I got to work with kids, and ultimately being a mentor to them!”
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