Fowler Holding Company

About Fowler Holding Company

Fowler Holding Company serves the Fowler Automotive family of dealerships in Norman, Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Broomfeild, Colorado. We are proud to be locally owned and operated since 1973.


Community Relations and Social Media Intern

May 2019 Norman, OK
“I applied in March when I was desperately looking for an internship and I got an interview. I had no idea what community relations meant but I knew, from the description, that it would be handling events and relations with non-profit organizations by the automotive dealerships. I fell in love with the sponsorship process. I had no idea the other (business side) of the non-profit world worked so everything I have done with and for them has changed every aspect of what I want to do with my career. I want to work at an company working with community engagement and relations now and at a job that does not require me to work at a desk from 9-5 because I do my best work when I am in person. They let me have a flexible work schedule and come and go as I please and I love it. ”
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