Florida Crystals Corporation

About Florida Crystals Corporation

Florida Crystals is a leading domestic sugar producer and North America’s first fully integrated cane sugar company, guiding our sugar from farm to table.  We are America’s first and only producer of certified organic sugar, grown and harvested in the United States. Our renewable energy facility is the largest of its kind in North America and provides clean energy that powers our sugar operations, which helps us reduce our use of fossil fuels.  Florida Crystals also sustainably farm rice, sweet corn, and other vegetables in rotation with our sugarcane.  Our rice mill is the only rice mill in Florida. 


Legal Intern

July 2022 - August 2022 West Palm Beach, FL
“The people I worked with in the legal department appreciated my support and made me feel like I was making a real contribution. I was treated very well and trusted with helping others with important tasks.”
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