Dover Chemical Corporation

About Dover Chemical Corporation

Dover Chemical Corporation is a leading producer of alkylphenols, chlorinated paraffins, polymer additives, liquid and solid antioxidants (including organophosphites), flame retardants, additives for water-based and oil-based metalworking fluids and drilling fluid additives.

Our manufacturing facilities are located in Dover, OH and Hammond, IN. Our Dover location is along Interstate 77 in east central Ohio, providing easy access for shipping. The Hammond location is just 17 miles south of Chicago, along the Interstates 80-94 corridor.

Dover Chemical is proud to have earned ISO9001:2008 certification in recognition of our ongoing commitment to uncompromising quality. We join other members and partners of the American Chemistry Council in our dedication to the principles of Responsible Care, including product stewardship, community awareness, emergency response, pollution prevention, process safety, distribution, and employee health & safety.


Health, Environment and Safety Specialist Intern

September 2019 Dover, OH
“Working on projects with the EHS department.”
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