What I wish was different
Resource Accessibility: I wish there had been more accessible resources available to support the SI program. Additional materials or tools, especially for conducting effective zoom study sessions, would have been beneficial. Ensuring that both in-person and remote students had equitable access to resources could have improved the overall experience.
Student Engagement: While I thoroughly enjoyed conducting study sessions, there were instances where some students were less engaged. I wish there had been more strategies or initiatives in place to encourage greater participation among all students. Finding ways to make the sessions even more interactive and inclusive could have been valuable.
Feedback Mechanism: A more robust feedback mechanism for both students and SI Leaders could have been helpful. Constructive feedback can be a powerful tool for improvement, and having a structured way to collect and act on feedback could have enhanced the effectiveness of the program.
Flexibility in Training: While the training provided was valuable, I wish there had been more flexibility in terms of tailoring it to the specific needs and challenges faced by SI Leaders. Personalized training modules or sessions could have been more beneficial.
Expanded Outreach: Although I promoted SI sessions in class and through email, I wish there had been opportunities for broader outreach. Expanding the reach of these sessions to a wider audience could have had an even greater impact on student success.
Increased Faculty Engagement: While I did maintain regular communication with professors, I believe deeper faculty engagement in the SI program could have further aligned our efforts with the course's academic objectives. More collaboration and shared goals with professors could have been beneficial.
Despite these areas for improvement, I want to emphasize that my experience as a Supplemental Instructor was highly valuable and rewarding. These reflections are meant to highlight opportunities for enhancement rather than detract from the overall positive experience of contributing to student success.