City of San Diego

Engineering tech

July 2023 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

I like how my background was accepted and how happy I was when I received a professional respond from this person Raysa Flores-Casado but after that I received a refusing letter from this unfair person named Diane.Diehl even before starting this position. By the way I applied for three positions and d was rejected right the way from two of them by this rude person. Not only that I applied with Chula Vista location but it looks like that Diane.Diehl have control all over cities and I got refused from that one after I was accepted. This person refused me first time and forgot to put her name on the paper. This unfair person was refusing me for no reason. I didn't see anything that disqualify me. It was just bunch of codes and that was it. After that I asked this person not to contact me and remove me from their system but again same person didn't stop until I received letter from Raysa Flores saying my application was denied. I tried to explain the situation to last person but I got no respond.

What I wish was different

I wish that people when they got a nice position do not abuse the power, this person to be removed. My application to be looked at again, not to go and ruin my application right the way. I wish also my record to be removed from your system and send me a letter showing that. I also wish to contacted by the general manager.


I have worked in many professional places but not this one. It looks like they have their own team to hire even if they are not qualified. Very bad hiring system, so fake.
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Management Intern

September 2023 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

how flexible the schedule was and how willing my supervisors were to work with my school schedule.

What I wish was different



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Administrative Services Management Intern

October 2021 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

I'm still working here and I am gaining great skills and knowledge that will definitely be applicable in my next permanent position.

What I wish was different

I am not at the point in the internship to state my opinion so far as it is still early in the position.


Handshake is great for marketing positions for students that don't have the time to browse many sites and find a job. All in one place, Handshake holds high in comparison to Indeed and other job search websites, and it's tailored to college students.
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Ocean Lifeguard

May - October 2020 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

The ability to be outside each day and help keep people as well as the ocean safe.

What I wish was different


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July - August 2019 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Being able to be on the beach everyday

What I wish was different

I wish the beaches were busier


Its a very rewarding job and everyone should try out
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Pool Lifeguard

June 2017 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

The community is very nice and acknowledges good work.

What I wish was different

Nothing, there was great staff, managers and patrons.


As long as everyone does a/their part, then the facility will run how it should.
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Management Intern

May 2018 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Chris Cate and the staffers were all so close and made the workday fun and vibrant. I got to become friends with the staffers and loved getting to know the inner workings of a City Council office. I loved being able to help run meetings and attend events in the community.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more involvement in the policy side of the office. I also would have liked to attend more City Council meetings.


If you’re interested in the inner workings of local government, definitely give this a shot. It can seem monotonous at times, but the events and the community you make are worth the hard work!
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Beach Lifeguard

March 2017 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

The opportunity to work outside and stay active all day while working.

What I wish was different


Learn something every day and treat each day like an interview
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