City of Burbank

About City of Burbank

Founded in 1982, the Burbank Police Department has grown to a professionally trained, 53 member force. Supervisors are required to attend advanced training from the Police Institute at Northwestern University or the FBI National Academy.

Forty additional civilian support personnel include crossing guards, clerical staff, and community service officers. Full-time sworn officers include: four D.A.R.E. instructors (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) that teach in our grammar schools, two school resource officers who are active at Reavis High School and Liberty Jr. High, 2 K-9s and their handlers, six very fluent language translators (Polish, Spanish, and Arabic), a highly-trained emergency response team, and a host of other specially trained officers.

The sharing of information is critical to efficient police/community relations. Our goal is the reduction of crime and, ultimately, the improvement of the quality of life in our community.

The Uniform Crime Reports indicate that Index crimes were down in Burbank over the past 6 years. (Index crimes include murder, criminal sexual assault, aggravated assault/battery, robbery, burglary, theft, arson and auto theft). Working together with our citizens and the business community, we hope to lower these numbers even further.


City Planner Intern

September 2019 Burbank, CA
“The office has a positive environment”
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