Bennington College

Communications Intern

June - August 2019 • Bennington, VT

What I liked

The Bennington College Communications Office was a wonderful experience overall. What I liked about working with this office is the confidence and responsibilities the staff offered me; coupled with the friendly and inviting environment. While part of this confidence was afforded to me may have been based on my previous experience, I believe that even if I did not have past experience working in communications, they would have afforded this to me because they seem to seek to grow the knowledge, capabilities, and resourcefulness of their interns. I also appreciated that there was never any down time; I was always gainfully employed, lending my input to help achieve meeting a variety of deadlines.

What I wish was different

I really can't address anything that I wish had been different except that I wish that I would have applied to the Communications Office sooner. This would have resulted in me starting my FWT time sooner rather than later. The key to being successful in obtaining the best internships and FWT assignments that align with your academic and professional goals is to start looking, preparing, and applying early; especially if you intend on applying for a summer term rather than the traditional winter one.


If there was one piece of advice I would share about this experience, it would be to don't be afraid to demonstrate your capabilities and any hidden talents you can offer if the opportunity presents itself within whatever job you doing. With your talents revealed, you may discover a level of increased responsibility that can improve the office's/organization’s overall efficiency, and when it comes to building your resume, this can be extremely helpful; so it's a win-win.
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