Beat the Streets Wrestling

About Beat the Streets Wrestling

Beat the Streets Wrestling™ is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit that uses wrestling as the vehicle through which young people achieve their full physical, cognitive, and social potential and develop into strong and effective individuals and members of the world. We work with middle and high schools in all five boroughs of New York City to provide a safe, positive atmosphere in which disadvantaged and at-risk youth can learn the essential life lessons of personal responsibility, physical fitness, education, and teamwork.


Social Media Manager

January 2018 New York City, NY
“I loved the creative part of this job, being able to really speak to my art side as well as my communications. I also loved being able to communicate with other employees and clients.”
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Questions & Answers

What should a participant be aware of when interviewing for an assistant coach position at Beat the Streets Wrestling?

Interview +5

Walk me through the work schedule of an assistant coach at Beat the Streets Wrestling!

Day in the Life +5
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