Bay Area Services

About Bay Area Services

Bay Area Services is a full service residential heating & cooling contractor and has been service Northeast and Central Wisconsin since 1981. Bay Area Services offers top pay within the HVAC industry, flexible scheduling, benefits including paid vacation, medical insurance and a company matching 401k program.
Bay Area Services' team members enjoy full time hours year round and work within a pleasant and professional team environment. The company focuses on residential add-on and replacement installations and heating and cooling service. All of the company’s technicians are factory and certified trained to the highest standards, and continue re-training to keep up with the industry’s ever-changing technology.


HVAC Technician

June 2019 - September 2019 Green Bay, WI
“Though I did not have directly compatible experience with residential HVAC systems Bay Area Services took the time to train me with their most experienced technicians. I will be forever grateful for such a helpful crash course.”
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