Bastian Solutions

About Bastian Solutions

As a systems integrator, Bastian Solutions (a Toyota Automated Logistics Company) seeks out leading technologies in both material handling equipment and information systems coupled with proven operational strategies. Our experts combine the powers of scalable material handling systems, innovative software and custom automation engineering for complete, unique solutions.


Project Engineer

June 2020 Indianapolis, IN
“The interview process was efficient and gave lots of opportunities to ask questions and get to know the company better. I even got the opportunity to meet some of the other engineers I will be working with during the final interview. Overall, the hiring process was great and I look forward to beginning work at Bastian!”

Software Project Engineer

June 2019 Louisville, KY
“The software team was incredibly welcoming and friendly from day 1. The management team truly embodies the "open door" policy and provide an environment where questions and new ideas get the proper attention. ”
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