Base Sports Group

Sports Sponsorship Sales Internship

June - September 2024 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I have really enjoyed my experience with Base. Everyone is nice, and as a start-up, the team is very motivated to achieve their goals. It is a quality work environment that allows you to gain skills and experience while also giving you some flexibility and freedom. They preach creativity and molding things your own way while guiding you with extensive knowledge about the sports/sales world.

What I wish was different

Nothing, I found the summer to be fun and a great learning experience.


I would advise people to take advantage of opportunities at Base. Don't say no to anything and take on a variety projects over the summer to get the most out of the experience.
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Business Operations Intern

January - May 2024 • Providence, RI

What I liked

I really enjoyed my experience with Base Sports Group. Working for a small start-up provided me with invaluable hands-on experience in the sports industry and deepened my understanding of all the potential growth within youth sports. My managers were dedicated to fostering my learning and development, offering valuable advice and feedback whenever necessary. I highly recommend pursuing an internship opportunity with Base.

What I wish was different

After a great semester of working at Base Sports Group, I would not change a thing. The schedule was very flexible, and everyone I worked with was extremely helpful and supportive.


I would recommend maximizing your resources and embracing the advice offered by everyone at BASE. During my internship, Justine, Mark, and Carrie provided valuable feedback on my projects and offered insightful career guidance. The team at Base possesses extensive knowledge of the youth sports industry, making it worthwhile to fully engage in the internship and absorb as much knowledge as possible.
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Marketing/Sales and Operations Intern

September - December 2023 • Springfield, MA

What I liked

The vibrant and supportive atmosphere at BASE Sports Group fostered collaboration, making every day a positive and engaging experience. The diverse exposure to various facets of sports marketing not only enabled me to explore my interests but also empowered me to make substantial contributions to the team. Engaging in impactful projects, ranging from economic impact studies to creating a website platform, crafting press releases, and designing their Holiday Card, proved to be incredibly fulfilling and added depth to my skill set.

What I wish was different

Absolutely nothing. The entire team at BASE Sports Group was incredibly supportive, creating an environment where I felt genuinely encouraged to succeed. The entirety of the internship proved to be an enlightening and enriching experience, providing me with a wealth of knowledge that will undoubtedly contribute to my future endeavors.


One valuable piece of advice from my experience at BASE Sports Group would be to actively seek out opportunities to collaborate and contribute beyond your assigned tasks. Embrace the chance to engage in diverse projects and initiatives, as this not only broadens your skill set but also allows you to make a more substantial impact on the overall success of the team. The more you immerse yourself in various aspects of the organization, the richer your learning experience becomes, and the more you can contribute meaningfully to the collective goals of the company.
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Data Analytics Intern

May - August 2023 • Amherst, MA

What I liked

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience working for BASE throughout the summer. My bosses were both amazing to work with and were always readily available for any questions or concerns that I had. I was really pleased with the type of work I was being assigned to do. I could see that my contribution was actually impactful and I wasn't simply doing "busy work" like I've heard from countless other internship experiences. It made me feel that I was making a great contribution to the company and only further motivated me to do my best work. While the internship was unpaid, I feel that I gained more than what money could offer. Being a rising senior in college, I was extremely grateful for the connections and guidance my bosses offered. I was given the opportunity to speak with multiple different professionals in my fields of interest. Overall it was a great experience and I definitely recommend interning for BASE.

What I wish was different

Nothing. Multiple meeting a week speaking directly with my boss. I was able to schedule every meeting around the summer job I was working simultaneously. Couldn't have asked for more.


I would advise to take advantage of what this internship is offering, a chance to gain REAL work experience and well as all of the guidance, resume help, and connections.
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Digital Marketing Intern

January - May 2023 • Chapel Hill, NC

What I liked

I loved that my bosses made my professional development a priority throughout this internship. They really wanted me to grow as an individual rather than simply be "extra hands" to get the job done. My bosses also wanted me to be creative and figure out systems/methods of operation that worked for me, rather than telling me how I should be doing things. This was empowering and gave me full autonomy over my work and efforts. This internship was unpaid, and my bosses would remind me that they know I'm not getting paid/am a full-time college student, and therefore wouldn't ever overload my plate with tasks.

What I wish was different

I wish this internship could have been paid.


A piece of advice I would give is to utilize all of the opportunities given to you in this internship. I was tasked with many different aspects of marketing (PR work, social media content, press/media kits, corporate website design etc.). Some of these I wasn't aware of how to tackle before, and now can put on my resume that I am proficient in.
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