Altamira Technologies

Imagery Analyst

May 2019 • Fairborn, OH

What I liked

Meaningful work, corporate culture matches my personality type, and excellent leadership at all levels.

What I wish was different

This is my first post-military career and it's been great so far. I don't wish for changes, I work to fix the problems.


Expand your network by joining clubs and organizations you're interested in you never know when/where an opportunity will arise! I joined the Army Reserves and met many like-minded people who were able to help me land a job in my career field. I also joined a bagpipes and drum band after moving to Dayton, OH and received job offers (side gigs and full-time jobs) through members of the band as well.
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Control Analyst

June - August 2019 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

I liked the culture and the people I worked with.

What I wish was different

I wish it was a little faster paced.


Try to take advantage of the opportunities given within the internship and throughout the company as a whole.
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