Moss Adams

Accounting Intern

June - August 2019 • Yakima, WA

What I liked

Great firm that takes care of its employees

What I wish was different

I wish I did my internship during tax season. Summer internships are fun but winter internships give you more experience.


Network with people working where you want to be. Most people who are referred have better chances to get an internship than those who have no connections.
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Tax/Audit Rotational Intern

June - August 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

This internship is a rotation in tax and audit which is unique because not a lot of companies do this. Every intern is provided a "buddy" in both tax and audit who acts as a mentor. Your buddy is a "go-to" person for any questions that you may have. The culture at Moss Adams is indescribable! I had a wonderful time working for them and encourage everyone to apply to an internship at this company. They will set the bar high.

What I wish was different

I wish the internship would have been longer.


Don't be afraid to ask questions!
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Tax Intern

January - April 2019 • Dallas, TX

What I liked

Challenging work and wonderful culture!

What I wish was different


Ask questions! Catch the small stuff, details are key!
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Business Assurance Intern

June - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I loved that Moss Adams deeply cared about their interns, and showed it in a variety of ways. From a week-long conference of technical training in Disneyland, to challenging us with case competitions regarding new artificial intelligence audit software, the firm proved that they believe in investing in you.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been able to be assigned to a couple more different clients, but I recognize that the summer is not nearly as busy for the public accounting industry.


Go in each day with a positive and ambitious attitude, and you can't fail!
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Operational Intern

June - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I was challenged and was given impactful projects.

What I wish was different

I wish it was longer!


Network, network, network! As an intern you have plenty of time for coffee chats, take advantage of it.
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IT Compliance Intern

June - August 2018 • Portland, OR

What I liked

This internship experience had a lot to like. There was a large variety of work to be done, everyday felt a bit different than the previous, travel with team was great, great intern events, great training opportunities, and a culture of open communication were some of the biggest highlights.

What I wish was different



Come in with an open mind and the hunger to learn. You get out of this internship what you put in.
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Business Valuations Intern

January - May 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Office environment.

What I wish was different


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Accounting Intern

June - August 2018 • Eugene, OR

What I liked

What I wish was different


Take every opportunity to work on projects no matter how big or small, but also spend time with before in the office. Get to know your coworkers and potential future bosses. Those times spent networking and just being a genuine person can be so much more important than how much work you got done.
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Tax and Audit Intern

June - August 2018 • Portland, OR

What I liked

I enjoyed being able to get some experience doing both Audit and Tax work to figure out which one I wanted to do later in my career. I also enjoyed how much everyone there wants to help you and wants you to succeed - answering every question and making you feel welcome! Also, the first week of the internship includes training down in Disneyland which is a lot of fun!

What I wish was different

I wish that the internship was longer - 8 weeks goes by very fast and based on my school schedule, I had about a month until school started again.


I would say that at Moss, a big part of the internship is about networking and you should try and meet and connect with as many people as possible.
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Tax Intern

June - August 2018 • Campbell, CA

What I liked

I loved the company atmosphere- very open and friendly but always hard working and dedicated.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been an excel training at the beginning of the internship.


Don't be afraid to walk up to people and ask for work or help with tasks. Everyone has been where you are. The first and second year staff are always willing to help.
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Rotational Accounting Intern

June - August 2018 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I loved everything about my internship experience. If I had to choose one favorite part, it would be that I got to experience both tax and audit. The internship was seven weeks, with one week of training at Disneyland. The next six weeks were spent split between tax and audit. Going in to the internship, I had no idea which I wanted to pursue, but spending time in both opened my eyes to the lifestyle and work of both. If I had to have chosen last year when I got my internship offer, I would have chosen audit. However, after one week of experience I quickly realized audit was not for me.

What I wish was different

I wish I got to experience each side in more depth. In both tax and audit, because I was only in it for three weeks each, I couldn't dive in and fully experience either side. However, I am glad I got the chance to experience both as opposed to diving in to one side and hating it.


Once in the internship, meet and talk to as many people as you can. Everyone has a unique experience and perspective to broaden your view of the the industry and firm. I thoroughly enjoyed every single professional I met at Moss Adams, and encourage everyone to speak to everybody!
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Internal Audit Intern

May - August 2018 • Portland, OR

What I liked

Going out into the field and participating in engagements

What I wish was different



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Business Analyst Intern

June - August 2018 • Irvine, CA

What I liked

The people were amazing and I was given the opportunity do important work. I was a valuable member of a valuations team and was expected to contribute in a meaningful way.

What I wish was different

At times I wish feedback cycles had been more formal.


Don't be afraid to ask questions, they're expected and necessary. You aren't expected to know everything.
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