I didn’t get much of a break considering I worked everyday so I wish I would have been able to enjoy my summer break.
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Restaurant Server
June 2016 • Omaha, NE
What I liked
What I wish was different
This job is only good if you are under the age of 18. If you are over 18, definitely find another serving job.
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March 2018 - May 2019 • Linthicum, MD
What I liked
Never got bored, always something to do, loved working with guest.
What I wish was different
Management. It sucked because nobody respected them.
If you’re not happy with a job, find a new one and leave. It’s ok to feel like a position is too much for you or that you deal with too much and don’t get paid enough.
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May 2017 - August 2019 • South Hill, VA
What I liked
I loved the people I met while working there. I also gained communication and consumer skills. The tips were very good as well!
What I wish was different
I wish management would have been different. If the management team had better communication skills and understanding of people’s everyday lives, my experience would have been way better.
Think of this experience as a steppingstone to excel to the next level in your life.
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Restaurant Server
January 2017 • South Portland, ME
What I liked
It paid well (mostly tips) and the people who worked there were very nice, it felt like a big family.
What I wish was different
I wished management would pay more attention to the quality of their employees. People who walk out in the middle of their shift should lose their job.
Don't take what your tables say personally. They are tired and hungry, and not really mad at you, they're just mad at their situation.
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April 2017 • Springfield, IL
What I liked
Pay and tips, everyday is different
What I wish was different
better management
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June 2019 • Little Rock, AR
What I liked
-never bored
-money is great with tips (Fri, Sat, Sun consistently $17-20/hr)
-did not require experience
-Really flexible scheduling
What I wish was different
- When you're starting out its pretty emotionally taxing. People will get angry at you and this takes a while to get used to unless you're a very special type of person.
-There is a lot of work you don't get tipped for and you get paid 2.60/hr to do (server wage)
- When you're starting out you will make mistakes and people will get angry no matter what you do
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Retail Salesperson
February 2017 • Frackville, PA
What I liked
I love how much the employees and managers care about the customers and making sure they have a good experience.
What I wish was different
I wish I could have moved up in positions over the summer.
Treat every customer with kindness no matter what mood you are in or how annoyed you are.
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Grill Cook
July 2017 • Brooksville, FL
What I liked
A very friendly workplace along eith fast paced work.
What I wish was different
A little bit better communication while working about the status of our stock
Quality is always preferred over anything else
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June - August 2019 • Memphis, TN
What I liked
I like the idea of interacting with customer needs and using my personal skills to help me in my role as a server.
What I wish was different
I wish my co-workers were more mature and also less sticklers.
Ask for help,and do not try to half-do anything.
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February 2018 • Bloomsburg, PA
What I liked
Friendly co-workers
What I wish was different
Better maanagement
Don't work in food service unless you can keep a level head and multi-task
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May - August 2019 • Cambridge, OH
What I liked
New experience in the work field. Gained new skills.
What I wish was different
Less busy Sundays.
The better service; the better tip.
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December 2013 • Romeoville, IL
What I liked
I like that is a fast paced job.
What I wish was different
Better management
You have to have thick skin to handle the rude customers.
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June - August 2018 • Clifton Park, NY
What I liked
Getting a taste of what it was like to work in the food service indusrty
What I wish was different
Work hard and you'll do well
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May - August 2018 • Melbourne, FL
What I liked
Meeting new people
What I wish was different
I wish I would have made more
Always come in with a positive attitude.
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Cashier and Retail Associate
May 2016 • Plainfield, IN
What I liked
Flexible hours
Good Management
Close to home
What I wish was different
Better pay
Get out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to approach guests who are shopping. You are there to help them, so make sure you are making yourself available to them.